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GC Secretariat
September 9, 2022
It is with deep sorrow that we announce that one of our beloved ministers, Elder Ioan Tomoiaga, went to his rest in the Lord on September 7, 2022 just before his 90th birthday. He was born in Romania on October 18, 1932, the 6th of 7 siblings.

Brother Tomoiaga was used by the Lord in a mighty way at a crucial time in the history of the SDA Reform Movement in Romania. He served as Secretary of the SDARM Romanian Union while the entire nation was still operating under severely oppressive restrictions, and then as President—an undershepherd of the Lord's flock for multiple terms of office after religious freedom was graciously restored in 1990.

Emilson Motta
August 31, 2022
Two special weekends of meetings culminated with baptisms in Italy this summer.

Torino, Italy—Italy has been the stage for important moments of Christian history. What a privilege it is, then, to see the Reform Movement develop in such a backdrop. Italy is the home of Catholicism, a place where less than 1% of the population is Protestant, yet the Gospel continues to spread through God's grace.


Aldrin Romo
August 30, 2022
The Central Eastern Visayan Field's first Youth Convention took place on July 24-31, 2022.

Cebu, Philippines—On July 24-31, the Central Eastern Visayan Field's first Youth Convention took place at the LHBC Christian Academy in Argawanon, Cebu. The theme was "A Call to the Youth”. Approximately three-hundred brethren attended from different areas in Masbate, Eastern Visayas, Bohol, Cebu, and Negros Oriental. Brethren from the Western Visayan Field and Southern Mindanao Field also made the effort to attend. 


Segundo Gúzman
August 25, 2022
The Ebenezer Missionary School in the Honduran Union, held an Administration Seminar.

On August 10-17, 2022, the Ebenezer Missionary School in the Honduran Union, held an Administration Seminar. It was taught by Brother Segundo Guzman (GC Regional Secretary for Central America). It was an encouraging experience for the students and administrators alike.


There are currently seventeen students at the missionary school. They began their studies in May 2022, and by the Lord’s grace, they will graduate in May 2024. May God continue blessing their studies!

Unión Sud Sudamericana ASDMR
August 9, 2022
The "More than Conquerors” Youth Convention was held in El Cadillal, Argentina, in July.

Tucumán, Argentina—From  July 21-24, 2022, the "More than Conquerors” Youth Convention was held in El Cadillal, in the province of Tucumán, Argentina.


We praise the Lord for the participation and safe trip of brethren from Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil and the various provinces of Argentina. Brethren Rômulo Borges (GC Regional Secretary for South America) and David Paes Silva (GC Sabbath School Department Director) were the main speakers at the event. 

