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Eli Tenorio
July 12, 2024
Since May, the Reform Movement has been united in prayer for our Ukrainian brethren's protection and for the Lord to grant them peace and wisdom during these trying times.

"You are not alone in the warfare against wrong. Could the curtain be rolled back, you would see heavenly angels fighting with you." —The Youth’s Instructor, January 1, 1903.


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Since our United in Prayer Sabbath held in May on behalf of our brethren in Ukraine, we have received heartfelt concern and support from our global family regarding the ongoing situation.


July 9, 2024
A spiritual conference was held in the Spanish Field. The event concluded with the baptism of two souls.

Madrid, Spain—Over the weekend of June 28-30, the brethren of the Spanish Field gathered at Entrepeñas in Guadalajara for a spiritual conference. The event was rich in special items of praise, moments of fellowship, and spiritual food. 


On Sunday, June 30, the event drew to a close with the baptism of two young people. The baptism was held in Alcalá de Henares, with the attendance of several brethren from the Field who came to witness the baptism and welcome the new members. Brother Sorin Suceava officiated the ceremonies.


Cristina Mihail
July 3, 2024
The 25th Anniversary of the Eden Health Center in Breaza, Romania.

Breaza, Romania—On May 12th, the staff and partners of the Eden Health Center met at the headquarters of the Eden Foundation to—by praise and thanksgiving—mark its 25th anniversary.


John Bosco
June 16, 2024
On June 9, forty-two students graduated after a six-month accelerated missionary school program.  

Mahoko, Rwanda—On June 9, 2025, forty-two missionary school students graduated after a six-month accelerated program in the SDA Reform Movement Missionary School in Mahoko.  


The students came from twelve countries across Northern Africa,

Horia Ionita
June 3, 2024
The Reform Movement church in Bucov, Romania, held a medical convention for health workers, gathering approximately one-hundred professionals for the event.

Bucov, Romania—"The Role of Faith in the Practice of Medicine" was the theme of a medical convention held in Bucov, Romania, in early March.

