We are presenting some of our published materials on this page, and we hope that these uplifting materials will encourage you in your walk with Christ.
“Our publications have a most sacred work to do in making clear, simple, and plain the spiritual basis of our faith. . . . The great object of our publications is to exalt God, to call men's attention to the living truths of His word. God calls upon us to lift up, not our own standard, not the standard of this world, but His standard of truth.” —Testimonies, vol. 7, pp. 150, 151.
Magazines | |
Published quarterly, The Reformation Herald unveils historic Adventism with articles based on the sure foundation of the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. |
Published quarterly, Youth Messenger contains articles of inspiration and encouragement for the young as well as the young at heart. Text | PDF | Back Issues | Subscribe |
Lifesource Health & Wellness is a magazine as well as a health information website, dedicated to conveying the important message of optimal health management. Our aim is to provide useful and current information that will aid in providing tools for individuals to achieve better health. |
Books | |
Not a man-made creed, but rather a valuable resource of solidly documented evidence substantiating the major truths which the Lord has entrusted to the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement body of Christian believers. Available in Spanish! |
Faithful sentinel for God, you are not alone! "Yea, . . . all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2 Timothy 3:12). It happens all around the world. Read the poignant experiences of fellow believers as recorded in The History of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement and be of good courage, "knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world" (1 Peter 5:9). Available in Spanish! |
Place your order today for this full collection of 700 hymns. A beautiful church hymnal . . . and you'll find some great old favorites, as well as some lesser-known delights. Online Hymnal | PDF | Order |
This beautiful collection of 169 favorites will be perfect for happy time with family and friends, as well as youth gatherings, campmeetings, and other special convocations. There’s also an informative section providing key insights on sacred music as found in the writings of Ellen G. White. Online Hymnal | PDF | Order |
As the potter forms the clay, so God desires to restore His image within every one of us. Let's learn how! This is a new devotional book compiled solely from the writings of Ellen G. White, largely from lesser known sources. |
Have you ever questioned your real worth in the plan of God? Have you ever wondered what significant good you could ever do in His cause? This marvelous book will revive your heart with hope and purpose in life! This is a new devotional book compiled solely from the writings of Ellen G. White, largely from lesser known sources. |
This lovely devotional book compiled from the writings of E.G. White is a wonderful overview of key points in the New Testament?full of challenge and encouragement to aspire to higher ground in your walk with Jesus. Available in Spanish! |
What is the sealing message and why is it so important? How was this key doctrine taught by the Spirit of Prophecy and the SDA pioneers? Has modern theology tampered with this precious truth? Find out for yourself in The Sealing of God's People—the Historic SDA Doctrine Unveiled! |