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Adrian Barnea
April 12, 2021
A National Youth Convention took place in Romania from March 25-28, 2021.

A National Youth Convention took place in Romania from March 25-28, 2021. This year, the event took place online under the theme “I Fell in Love”, and the theme text “Many waters cannot quench love…” Song of Songs 8:7.


With the Lord’s help, this event provided space for important discussions with our teenagers, young people, and newlyweds. The speakers at the event were Pastors Radu Ioniță, David Mureșan, and Brother Arcadii Mangul from the Republic of Moldova, who participated via Zoom.


John Bosco
April 6, 2021
On March 10, twenty-two souls were baptized in Ambukuna.

We praise the Lord for the good news from the Northern Ethiopia Union. On March 10, twenty-two souls were baptized in Ambukuna. Three pastors performed the baptism ceremony, Brother Alemneh Abose, the Union President, Brother Bogale, and Brother Megale.


We praise the Lord for the work being done in that region and the brethren's willingness and joy to carry out the spreading of the Gospel. Let us keep our new brethren in our prayers.

Romelo Novenario
March 24, 2021
Earlier this month, ten precious souls consecrated their lives to God through Holy Baptism.

PhilippinesOn March 13, 2021, nine precious souls consecrated their lives to God through Holy Baptism in Mabinay and one in Masbate.


Mario Linares
March 1, 2021
Notes and experiences from the summer vacation youth canvassing in Peru.

The 2021 Summer Vacation Youth Canvassing was held from January 20 to February 3, in the city of Nueva Cajamarca, Peru, overlooking the mountains of the eastern cordillera of the Andes on one side and the Peruvian jungle on the other.


It was an unforgettable experience for the sixty-four participants, mostly young people and teenagers between the ages of fifteen and twenty, who with joyful disposition, carried out the great task of spreading the Gospel through canvassing.


Ben Thiel
March 1, 2021
From February 22-24, 2021, the members in the Philippines Union Conference had their 27th Triennial Delegation Session.

We praise God for His wonderful grace and help. From February 22-24, 2021, the members in the Philippines Union Conference had their 27th Triennial Delegation Session. As GC brethren Rolly Dumaguit and Benjamin Thiel were unable to attend in person, we held the first union re-organization of the Pacific Region via Zoom. We thank God and all the delegates that made this meeting possible and a success.

