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Daniel Ojuok
January 10, 2021
A Youth Convention and a baptism were held in Sindo Kenya from December 27, 2020, to January 2, 2021.

From December 27, 2020, to January 2, 2021, the brethren in Kenya held a youth convention around Lake Victoria at Sindo. The speakers presented Christ as the focus of our lives—in the choice of trade and profession, in health, in stewardship, in prophecy, in choice of a life partner, in education, etc. The youth choir presented several songs.


On Friday, January 1, 2021, the brethren began the New Year with three young people making a covenant with Jesus through baptism in the waters of Lake Victoria. Praise God!

Emilio Devai
December 29, 2020
A baptism of four souls took place in the Campinas Region last month.

Praise the Lord! On November 29, 2020, four souls dedicated their lives to God, and a fifth brother renewed his vow with the Lord. Brother Mário Linares, current GC Missionary and Canvassing Department Director, performed the sermon and baptism.


Brother Valnei dos Santos Sousa, elder of the church in Campinas, conducted the profession of faith, and Brother Waldomero Luz, district pastor of Campinas and region, led the fellowshipment of the new members.


Mario Linares
December 22, 2020
Ten souls were baptized at the South Brazilian Union Headquarters.

On November 21, 2020, we had a great spiritual celebration in the Sorocaba Region in São Paulo, Brazil. Ten souls, most of them young people, made their public commitment to God through baptism.


Eli Tenorio
December 21, 2020
Let us purpose in our hearts to shine for Christ in all we do in the upcoming year. For His honor, for His glory, for His soon coming.

A merchant once came to a village selling small stones he claimed would glow at night. Each stone came in a fancy wooden box. By the time the merchant left the village, he had sold quite a few of the precious stones.


People who could afford a stone gathered family and neighbors at their homes at sunset in excited anticipation to see the stone glow. But what a disappointment when darkness came, and the stone did not glow!


Raquel Freitas
December 21, 2020
A baptism of nine souls was held in the Ribeira Valley, Brazil, in November.

Ribeira Valley, Brazil—November 28, 2020,was a day of rejoicing for the São Paulo Field in the South Brazilian Union. That afternoon, nine souls publicly committed their lives to the Lord and joined the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement through baptism. The event was held in Pariquera-Açú , São Paulo, in the Ribeira Valley.

