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May 13, 2015

On May 11, 2015, the Missionary School in Kenya started a new term with 15 students.

Your First Sabbath Offering enables the General Conference to support financially the missionary schools around the world.

Another missionary school is being built in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to enroll students coming from French-speaking countries.

May 8, 2015

On April 26, 2015, the brethren of the South Kenyan Mission had the joy of receiving 31 new souls into the church family.

There were 135 interested souls preparing for baptism; the remaining candidates are being prepared for the two other baptismal ceremonies to be held in August and November of 2015.

May 8, 2015
A wonderful youth retreat for communing with the Lord, enjoying great fellowship, and delighting in God's creation!


May 6, 2015
We are all aware of the destructive earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015—one of the most powerful disasters to strike Nepal in 81 years, leaving a trail of massive destruction and an estimated 6,400 deaths and over 20,000 thousand injured.

Dear Brethren Stewards in the Cause of God,


May 5, 2015
Workers spiritually enriched in Portugal

A Workers' Seminar was held in Lisbon, Portugal, from April 6 to 12, 2015, with the presence of workers from the European Region.

Workers present at the seminar in Lisbon, Portugal
