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Roxanne Fountain
October 3, 2017
United States
The NCC Music camp occurred on the church property in Moriah Heights, California on July 5-16, 2017.

MORIAH HEIGHTS, UNITED STATES—In the summer of 2017, musicians from nine countries gathered at Moriah Heights, California, USA for a music camp from July 5-16, 2017. There were 68 registered musicians for the event for both choir and orchestra. There were also other musicians who practiced with the camp attendees who were invited to join the orchestra and choir for the final concert. At the time of the concert, there were 80 musicians in the orchestra and choir.


Peter D. Lausevic
October 3, 2017
Learn the story of when the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement message arrived in Malawi, how the work has progressed, and recent work in that region.

Below two brethren give us updates on the work in Malawi. First, Brother Kapukuta Mulenga Chilufya gives an account of how the work began in Malawi and how it progressed in the years following. Then, Brother Peter D. Lausevic gives an update on a recent trip to Malawi in June of 2017.



André Devai
September 29, 2017
In Vanuatu, the volcano “Voui Manaro” erupted on September 28th. We're moving our brethren and their families to the Santo Island where they will be staying with members of our church. Collaborate with the Welfare Department to help our brethren in Vanuatu.


September 29, 2017

Circular Letter


Observador da Verdade Magazine
September 27, 2017
On September 7-10, 2017 brethren from all over Brazil gathered at the South Brazilian Union Headquarters in Itu, São Paulo, Brazil for a Spiritual Conference commemorating the 500 Years of Protestant Reformation.

ITU, BRAZIL—On September 7-10, 2017 brethren from all over Brazil gathered at the South Brazilian Union Headquarters in Itu, São Paulo, Brazil for a Spiritual Conference commemorating the 500 Years of Protestant Reformation.


The speakers for the event were: 

Brother Davi P. Silva (General Conference President),

André Devai
September 26, 2017
Now is the time to channel our resources to bless the families of the brethren who have suffered losses and will face great difficulties in order to resume a normal pace of life.

Roanoke, Virginia, USA

September 21, 2017


Dear Brethren and Friends around the world,


We thank God for the privilege of still enjoying religious freedom and wide communication so that we can pray for and comfort each other in such difficult times. In recent days, we have witnessed major natural disasters caused by hurricanes and floods in Central and North America, and by earthquakes in Mexico and Japan.

