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Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
September 21, 2017
Learn which herbal remedies are the most beneficial and effective in fighting the common cold.

The common cold is caused by one of many thousands of viral strains circulating each year. We introduce these viral particles to our bodies when we touch our mouth, nose, or eyes after touching contaminated surfaces. Common symptoms of a cold (or upper respiratory infection) are a runny nose, stuffy nose, sore throat, achy muscles, coughing, and mild fever. Symptoms appear from the interplay of viral replication and the body’s inflammatory response. Some symptoms may appear after 10-12 hours of inoculation and may persist for 7-10 days.


Tony Maraizu
September 20, 2017
Photos from Sabbath September 9, 2017, with our brethren in Nigeria.

The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement arrived in the Imo State in Nigeria in 2016. Previously, the church had no members in that state, but through the health message, individuals soon became acquainted with the Reform Movement. After the first baptism in February of 2016, Imo State now has many Sabbath School members and other interested candidates.


The photos below are of our group in Imo State on September 9, 2017. Always remember us in your prayers because in Nigeria the "harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few".

Eli Tenorio
September 20, 2017
The GC Council is in session this September.

ROANOKE, USA—The General Conference officers have gathered in Roanoke, Virginia for the GC Council Session. The meetings began on Sunday, September 17, 2017, with the Executive and Ministerial Committee meeting.


On September 20–22, the Executive Committee (EXCO) with the GC Regional Secretaries convene.

On September 24–26, the GC EXCO meets with the Department Leaders.

On September 26–October 1 the GC Council (Executive Committee + Ministerial Committee + Regional Secretaries + Department Leaders) will convene.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
September 14, 2017
Allergies keeping you down? Fight back with this powerful plant.

Fifty million Americans and 1 in 5 Canadians have allergies. A runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and hives are symptoms familiar to many who suffer seasonal allergies. Allergy symptoms are triggered by pollen surges throughout the year. While some have seasonal allergies limited to spring time, others experience the unpleasant symptoms year round.


What are allergies?

Ivanov Dragan
September 13, 2017
Dominican Republic
Over the first weeks of July 2017, the brethren Dr. Ivanov Dragan (GC Medical Department) and Peter D. Lausevic (GC Vice President) visited our brethren in the Dominican Republic for a health seminar and youth conference. 

SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC—Over the first weeks of July 2017, the brethren Dr. Ivanov Dragan (GC Medical Department) and Peter D. Lausevic (GC Vice President) visited our brethren in the Dominican Republic for a health seminar and youth conference. 


The first health seminar was held from July 7-July 12, 2017. The topics of the health seminar were as follows:

- Anatomy and physiology of the brain

- How to improve brain power

- Two brains in one head

- The brain’s hormones

- Stress and how to overcome it
