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Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
November 2, 2017
Rather than triggering a cascade of unpleasant side effects, these various oils and plants, work by gently reinstating balance and health to the diseased body or organ without creating imbalance elsewhere.  

The analogy of the sower and the seed was used by Jesus when speaking of the kingdom of Heaven. This simple correlation between a tiny object and His vast kingdom reveals God’s principle of action. He is the God of all possibilities. The little and insignificant, when directed by His Hand, can exert great influence and ignite powerful change. His mode of speaking, interacting, teaching, and even healing was so divergent from the puritanical practices of His time, that many were offended and stupefied.

Larissa Tenorio Gessner
October 31, 2017
Do you know the significance of the Protestant Reformation and why it is so widely commemorated?

This year, 2017, we as a church have been commemorating the quincentennial of the Protestant Reformation, the beginning of which many consider as October 31, 1517, with Martin Luther's 95 theses. Many of our churches worldwide have held conferences and special meetings in celebration (including a few listed below). The subject of this quarter's Sabbath School Lesson is Justification by Faith to further study and better understand a driving topic of the Reformation. This year's Week of Prayer theme will also be the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. 


Eli Tenorio
October 24, 2017
United States
The General Conference Annual Council took place from September 17-October 1, 2017, in Roanoke, Virginia.

ROANOKE, VIRGINIA—On September 17 - October 1, 2017, the General Conference Council met in Roanoke, Virginia for the yearly council session. At this yearly meeting, council members from around the world meet to represent their respective regions and to report on the progress of the work since the last session.



October 22, 2017
"The correct understanding of the ministration in the heavenly sanctuary is the foundation of our faith."—Evangelism, p. 221.

October 22, 2017, marks 173 years since Christ entered upon the second and final phase of His ministry in the most holy place—the investigative judgment. Are you familiar with the significance of this event?


It means we are ever nearing the end of probation when your case and mine will have been decided. Are we ready?


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
October 19, 2017
Water is essential to all living creatures, but to the human body, water serves as one of nature’s most important conduits for health and healing.

These days, we are more likely to consume any other liquid besides water, often choosing juice, soda, or even tea. But water is not just for sipping occasionally and bathing in. The human body requires a constant influx of water for several reasons.

