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David Zic
November 14, 2019
United States
Educational mission opportunity that is coming up shortly will be offered in the English language on the Moriah Heights campus in rural Northern California

Effective mission is based on effective preparation. By God’s grace, the SDARM provides missionary training in various locations around the world and in various languages. Each of these programs seeks to fulfill the opening steps of the Gospel Commission to “Go … and teach all nations ... Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” In order to fulfill this commission we must “rightly train” those who will enter into the mission work.

Paul Chapman
November 13, 2019
Bushfires in Australia destroy church buildings at the Elim Heights Youth Camp

On the evening of 12 November 2019, Sydney, Australia time, the bushfires raging in New South Wales, Australia, passed through our Elim Heights Youth Camp, nestled in the surrounds of the Yengo National Park. 


The fire has destroyed the main meeting hall, the main machinery shed, the roof of the small toilet block, and a cottage that was housing the NSW Conference President, Nathan Tyler and his family. While personal effects have been destroyed, we are grateful to the Lord that no life was lost.


William Fuentes Nieves
November 5, 2019
Units around the world are developing online missionary schools to make missionary school courses available to you wherever you are.

Would you like to attend missionary school but are unable to spend time away from home or work? Maybe there isn’t a missionary school in your country, and you are unable to travel. With you in mind, Units around the world are developing online missionary schools to make missionary school courses available to you wherever you are.


Romelo Z. Novenario
November 5, 2019
The annual camp meeting of the Visayan Reunion Association was held on October 20-26, 2019, at Bacolod City Church.

The annual camp meeting of the Visayan Reunion Association (VRA) of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Visayan Field was held on October 20-26, 2019, at Bacolod City Church, in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. Brother Nelson Cadena, the VRA President, led the meetings under the theme “The Living Church”. There were 500 attendees present from different provinces of the Visayas, Philippines, including Masbate.


Alwin Vedhasingh
October 24, 2019
On October 12, 2019, two souls were baptized in Chennai, India.

Chennai, India—On October 12, 2019, two souls were baptized in Chennai, India. Brother Daniel was invited by Brother Alwin Vedhasingh, GC Regional Secretary for Asia and local pastor in Chennai, to visit from the church in Bangalore (350km from Chennai) to perform the baptism.

