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Dayse Corte
November 27, 2019
On November 15-17, 2019, a special Conference was held in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, to commemorate the church’s 80th anniversary in that location.

Lins, Brazil—On November 15-17, 2019, a special Conference was held in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, to commemorate the church’s 80th anniversary in that location. For 80 years the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Church and its congregation have been a steady light in their city.


Brother Eli Tenorio, GC President, was the guest speaker for the event, and the theme for the Conference was “Walking with God”. There was also a baptism of two souls during the weekend event.


Nelson Cadena
November 26, 2019
4,800 Mindanao Quake Survivors Receive Aid from Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Brethren

DAVAO DEL SUR, PHILIPPINES—The brethren all over the Philippines gathered and extended their help to Mindanao earthquake survivors last November 12 and 13, 2019, in Barangay Barayong and some areas of Magsaysay, Davao Del Sur, and Sitio Bandera, Barangay Balabag, Digos City.


These areas were severely affected by the series of earthquakes, the last of which occurred on Oct. 31, 2019, and more than 30 people died, 777 were injured, and another three were missing.           


November 21, 2019
Shall we as church members destroy confidence in other church members because they do not meet a certain standard?

“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil” ( 1 Corinthians 13:4, 5). Troubles exist between brethren in the church because they fail to understand what constitutes true Christian charity, brotherly affection, and Christlike love. Self-love and self-esteem lead professed Christians to measure themselves by themselves. They take for granted that all their surmisings and suspicions of others are correct.

Romelo Z. Novenario
November 19, 2019
12 Souls in Mabinay Make their Decision to be Baptized

Mabinay, Negros Oriental—On November 2, 2019, twelve souls in Mabinay, Negros Oriental, publicly announced their decision to serve the Lord through baptism at Mabinay Spring Resort, in Mabinay, Negros Oriental, the Philippines. This baptism ceremony was officiated by Brother Carlos Estrera, Sr. assisted by Brother Alfred Briones.


Barbara Montrose
November 18, 2019
United States
The Southeast United States Field held its 15th Delegation Session from November 3-5 in Greeneville, Tennessee.

The Southeast United States Field held its 15th Delegation Session from November 3-5, 2019 at Locust Springs Christian Retreat Center in Greeneville, Tennessee. The SEUSF is comprised of ten states: Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida. A total of 46 delegates were invited to attend, representing the various offices, departments, and churches of the Field.

