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Shawn Marks
October 7, 2019
Missionary outreach being done by the youth and brethren of our church in Guyana.

Georgetown, Guyana—On Sabbath, September 21, 2019, the Reform Movement General Conference Public Meetings were held in Sumaré, Brazil. Thousands of members, visitors, and friends gathered for a special Sabbath in fellowship.


September 19, 2019
Live stream, archived broadcasts and schedule for the Spiritual Meetings.

2019 23rd GC Session Program, “That They May Be One”

Itú, São Paulo, Brazil


or watch on Facebook by clicking here.


Temporary Bulletin Committee
September 18, 2019
A summary of the thirteenth day's activities during the 23rd GC Delegation Session being held in Itu, Brazil.

September 17, 2019—Itú, Brazil


As the session is slowly coming to an end, we look back and can truly say that the Lord has led us thus far. Brother Mario Alvarado took the morning worship on the topic “Personal Influence Is Power.” He spoke on the parable of the talents which illustrates why some are saved while others are condemned. The Bible tells us that the servant who put the money to good use was saved, but the servant who hid the money was condemned.


GC Bulletin Committee
September 18, 2019
A summary of the final day's activities during the 23rd GC Delegation Session being held in Itu, Brazil.

September 18, 2019—Itú, Brazil


The last day of the session has arrived and the day started with the morning worship by Brother J. Cruz of the United States entitled “Lift Him Up As the Head of the Church.” 


“And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18).


Temporary Bulletin Committee
September 16, 2019
A summary of the twelfth day's activities during the 23rd GC Delegation Session being held in Itu, Brazil.

September 16, 2019—Itú, Brazil

