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April 16, 2020
The brethren in Colombia have begun an online series to educate all who wish to learn how to begin their own garden and cultivate the land.

"That our garners may be full, affording all manner of store: that our sheep may bring forth thousands and ten thousands in our streets: Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the Lord,” Psalm 144:13,15.


"Fathers and mothers who possess a piece of land and a comfortable home are kings and queens," Country Living, p. 18.


April 7, 2020
A humanitarian mission was held in the town of Pirapozinho in the interior of São Paulo state in the beginning of March.

Pirapozinho, Brazil—The humanitarian mission held in the town of Pirapozinho in the interior of São Paulo state began on March 15 with the participation of several brethren from the greater São Paulo region.


Marcos Pereira
March 30, 2020
The Young Missionary Project began with the idea to ​​give every young person with the desire to be a volunteer missionary the opportunity to do so for one year.

São Paulo, Brazil—The Young Missionary Project began with the idea to ​​give every young person with the desire to be a volunteer missionary the opportunity to do so for one year.


The Youth, Missionary, and Canvassing Departments of the São Paulo Field created a sustainable action plan so that young people could respond to the call of the Master.


March 27, 2020
As many of our churches are temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, here is a list of links to livestreams and online programs prepared by our churches worldwide.

Many of our churches have, unfortunately, been temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Lord has provided a means for His people to worship together even amidst this crisis.


D. Campodonico
March 22, 2020
After much planning, the French Field’s Missionary Training Project has finally begun.

Savigny Sur-Orge, France—After much planning, the French Field’s Missionary Training Project has finally begun. On Sunday evening, December 22, 2019, Brother M. Goncalves and Brother C. Barros opened the activities of the SDARM Missionary Training Project in Savigny Sur-Orge, just outside of Paris. After the inaugural meetings, Brother D. Campodonico delivered the first presentation of the “Introduction to the Bible” course. Along with the presence of students and guests in Savigny Sur-Orge, the presentation was also livestreamed, permitting several students to follow along online.
