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Liviu Tudoroiu
August 6, 2020
It is with heartfelt sadness that we inform you that our dear Sister Alexandrina Silva went to her rest in the Lord on August 6, 2020.

Dear brethren, Members of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement: 


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Sister Alexandrina Silva. Sister Silva was a role model to those around her. During hectic and less than optimal circumstances, her smile, gentleness, and eagerness to minister through her hospitality was a testament on behalf of her character. 


Mario Linares
July 23, 2020
The Canvassing work during 2020 has continued, adapting to a new normal.

Summer Canvassing
Young people eagerly participated in Summer Canvassing programs held throughout Brazil in early January 2020. Almost 200 young people in 7 fields participated in the important task of door-to-door evangelization. Many had their first experiences with God, which led them to reflect on the need for preparation for baptism.


“Canvassing campaigns are to be organized for the sale of our literature, that the world may be enlightened as to what is just before us.” CM, 84.


Davi Paes Silva
July 12, 2020
Are you, dear reader, a prisoner of hope? Let us go to our strong hold, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. While we remain in Him, Satan has no power to separate us from our divine safety.

After spending 70 years under Babylonian captivity as prophesied by Jeremiah, only a small remnant of about 50,000 people undertook the difficult journey back to Jerusalem. The city was devastated, the walls were broken down, and the people were surrounded by bitter enemies through whom Satan tried to hinder the restoration of the worship of the true God. Because Israel was the only people who represented the principles of heaven, Satan didn’t spare his devilish schemes to discourage and even destroy them.


Andre Devai
May 4, 2020
God has given us many blessings, His Word, our health, our families, our time, and our means. Are we being proper stewards of our blessings?

Dear brethren in our churches around the world,

“Likewise greet the church that is in their house,” (Romans 16:5, first part).


We very lovingly address each member and friend to talk a little about this solemn period in which we are living.


“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come,” (2 Timothy 3:1).


Andre Devai
April 21, 2020
Updates concerning the affect COVID-19 has had on our church family around the world and what is being done.

Greetings to our Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement church family around the world.


Many of our brethren have asked concerning the affect COVID-19 has had on our church family around the world. We praise the Lord that amidst the various difficulties facing the church brethren, He has kept His children under His care and protection.

