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Sabbath Bible Lessons

Stewards in the Last Days (II)

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First Sabbath Offering for a Chapel in Castellón, Spain

Spain, also known as the Kingdom of Spain, is a sovereign member of the European Union. Its form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. This sunny, climatically diverse country shares the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal. The nation covers an area of 195,364 square miles (504,645 km2) with a population of over 47 million. Castilian or Spanish is the official language. Around 96% profess to be Roman Catholic, yet only around 20% of those claim to be practicing their faith.

In 1958, the first Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement group was organized in the city of Barcelona. Back then, there was no freedom of conscience in our country, yet today, we are thankful to enjoy this blessing. The city of Malaga soon became the center of our work, and later Madrid, the capital city. The development of the church was slow, but with God’s guidance, a sure foundation was laid.

Beginning in the year 2000, Spain opened its doors to immigration, and brethren from Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, and the Americas began to arrive. It was beautiful to see fellow believers from different countries and languages coming here to earn their livelihood. Proclaiming the present truth was a treasure borne in their hearts in this Catholic land.

We soon faced the problem of finding adequate space for all the worshipers. Renting a premise was the first solution, but it was soon overtaken by the continued arrival of dozens and even hundreds of brethren, especially in the capital city. We faced challenging times.

Then, in 2019, the officers of the Spanish Field, in full harmony with the church of Castellón de la Plana—a city on the east coast—decided to buy a property that adapts to and solves the present and future needs of the church. This property has already been purchased, but it needs to be extensively remodeled—which costs a lot of money—and our resources are limited. We therefore appeal to our brothers, sisters and friends who are members of the Sabbath School from around the world kindly to make a generous offering for the chapel in Castellón.

“There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth” (Proverbs 11:24). We thank you in advance.

Your brothers and sisters from Spain

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