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Sabbath Bible Lessons

Lessons from The Book of Mark

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Lesson 3 Sabbath, October 17, 2020

A Worker of Miracles

“Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world” (John 6:14).

“When Jesus revealed His divinity by His mighty miracles, when He healed the sick and raised the dead, the people had inquired among themselves, ‘Is not this the Son of David?’ . . . But many who called Jesus the Son of David did not recognize His divinity. They did not understand that the Son of David was also the Son of God.”—The Desire of Ages, pp. 608, 609.

Suggested Reading:   The Desire of Ages, pp. 334–337, 364–371. 

Sunday October 11


a. How did the people respond to the healing work of Jesus? Mark 1:32, 33.

“For fear of the rabbis the people dared not come for healing until the sun was set. Then from the homes, the shops, the market places, the inhabitants of the city pressed toward the humble dwelling that sheltered Jesus. The sick were brought upon litters, they came leaning upon staffs, or, supported by friends, they tottered feebly into the Saviour’s presence.

“Hour after hour they came and went; for none could know whether tomorrow would find the Healer still among them. Never before had Capernaum witnessed a day like this. The air was filled with the voice of triumph and shouts of deliverance.

“Not until the last sufferer had been relieved did Jesus cease His work. It was far into the night when the multitude departed and silence settled down upon the home of Simon. The long, exciting day was past, and Jesus sought rest. But while the city was wrapped in slumber, the Saviour, ‘rising up a great while before day,’ ‘went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.’ Mark 1:35.”—The Ministry of Healing, pp. 29, 30.

Monday October 12


a. When, on another occasion, Jesus arrived by ship to Gennesaret, what happened? Mark 6:53–55.

“[Jesus] had arrived at Gennesaret, after an absence of but one day. As soon as it was known that He had landed, the people ‘ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard He was.’ Mark 6:55.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 384.

b. How desperate were the sick to see Jesus? How was their faith rewarded? Verse 56.

c. At another time, who else was healed in the same way? Mark 5:25–34. What can we learn from this example of faith?

“When the woman reached forth her hand and touched the hem of His garment, she thought this stealthy touch would not be known by anyone; but Christ recognized that touch and responded to her faith by His healing power. She realized in a moment that she was made whole, and the Lord Jesus would not let such faith pass unnoticed.”—In Heavenly Places, p. 108.

“The Saviour could distinguish the touch of faith from the casual contact of the careless throng. Such trust should not be passed without comment. He would speak to the humble woman words of comfort that would be to her a wellspring of joy,—words that would be a blessing to His followers to the close of time.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 344.

“The faith which avails to bring us in vital contact with Christ expresses on our part supreme preference, perfect reliance, entire consecration. This faith works by love and purifies the soul. It works in the life of the follower of Christ true obedience to God’s commandments; for love to God and love to man will be the result of vital connection with Christ.”—Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 334.

Tuesday October 13


a. As the work of Jesus grew, what plan did He implement? Mark 6:7–11.

“In order for the work to be carried with efficiency, the Lord sent forth His disciples forward two and two.”—Life Sketches, p. 302.

“There is need of two working together; for one can encourage the other, and they can counsel, pray, and search the Bible together. In this they may get a broader light upon the truth; for one will see one phase, and the other another phase of the truth. If they are erring, they can correct one another in speech and attitude, so that the truth may not be lightly esteemed because of the defects of its advocates.”—Evangelism, p. 74.

“The presentation of the truth, in love and simplicity, from house to house, is in harmony with the instruction that Christ gave His disciples when He sent them out on their first missionary tour. By songs of praise to God, humble, heartfelt prayers, and a simple presentation of Bible truth in the family circle, many will be reached.”—Reflecting Christ, p. 202.

b. As the disciples went out, how did they combine preaching with healing? Verses 12, 13. How are we to work in the same manner today?

“Christ, the great Medical Missionary, is our example. . . . He healed the sick and preached the gospel. In His service, healing and teaching were linked closely together. Today they are not to be separated.”—Counsels on Health, pp. 395, 396.

“The life of Christ and His ministry to the afflicted are inseparably connected. From the light that has been given me, I know that an intimate relationship should ever exist between the medical missionary work and the gospel ministry. They are bound together in sacred union as one work, and are never to be divorced. The principles of heaven are to be adopted and practiced by those who claim to walk in the Saviour’s footsteps. By His example He has shown us that medical missionary work is not to take the place of the preaching of the gospel, but is to be bound up with it. Christ gave a perfect representation of true godliness by combining the work of a physician and a minister, ministering to the needs of both body and soul, healing physical disease, and then speaking words that brought peace to the troubled heart.”—Ibid., p. 528.

Wednesday October 14


a. What happened as the disciples went with Jesus across the sea in a small boat? Mark 4:35–37.

“The evening had been calm and pleasant, and quiet rested upon the lake; but suddenly darkness overspread the sky, the wind swept wildly down the mountain gorges along the eastern shore, and a fierce tempest burst upon the lake.

“The sun had set, and the blackness of night settled down upon the stormy sea. The waves, lashed into fury by the howling winds, dashed fiercely over the disciples’ boat, and threatened to engulf it. Those hardy fishermen . . . were helpless in the grasp of the tempest, and hope failed them as they saw that their boat was filling.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 334.

b. Where was Jesus in the storm, and how did He react? Verses 38–40.

“Suddenly a flash of lightning pierces the darkness, and they see Jesus lying asleep, undisturbed by the tumult. In amazement and despair they exclaim, ‘Master, carest Thou not that we perish?’. . . .

“Their cry arouses Jesus. As the lightning’s glare reveals Him, they see the peace of heaven in His face; they read in His glance self-forgetful, tender love, and, their hearts turning to Him, cry, ‘Lord, save us: we perish.’

“Never did a soul utter that cry unheeded. As the disciples grasp their oars to make a last effort, Jesus rises. He stands in the midst of His disciples, while the tempest rages, the waves break over them, and the lightning illuminates His countenance. He lifts His hand, so often employed in deeds of mercy, and says to the angry sea, ‘Peace, be still.’ ”—Ibid., pp. 334, 335.

c. What was the reaction of the disciples to this miracle? Verse 41.

“The storm ceases. The billows sink to rest. The clouds roll away, and the stars shine forth. The boat rests upon a quiet sea. Then turning to His disciples, Jesus asks sorrowfully, ‘Why are ye fearful? have ye not yet faith?’ Mark 4:40, R.V.

“A hush fell upon the disciples. Even Peter did not attempt to express the awe that filled his heart.”—Ibid., p. 335.

Thursday October 15


a. What miracle showed the sympathy of Jesus toward our material needs? Mark 6:35–44.

“He who taught the people the way to secure peace and happiness was just as thoughtful of their temporal necessities as of their spiritual need. The people were weary and faint. There were mothers with babes in their arms, and little children clinging to their skirts. Many had been standing for hours. . . .

“The simple food passed round by the hands of the disciples contained a whole treasure of lessons. It was humble fare that had been provided; the fishes and barley loaves were the daily food of the fisher folk about the Sea of Galilee . . . food prepared merely for the gratification of appetite would have conveyed no lesson for their good.”—The Desire of Ages, pp. 365-367.

b. What assurance do we have of God’s ability to provide for us today? Philippians 4:19.

“God knows our wants, and has provided for them. The Lord has a treasure house of supplies for His children, and can give them what they need under all circumstances. Then why do we not trust Him? He has made precious promises to His children on condition of faithful obedience to His precepts. There is not a burden but He can remove, no darkness but He can dispel, no weakness but He can change to power, no fears but He can calm, no worthy aspiration but He can guide and justify.”—That I May Know Him, p. 224.

Friday October 16


1. When did Jesus cease His day’s work of healing?

2. How will healing faith manifest itself?

3. Why is it more efficient to have two working together than one alone?

4. How did Jesus show control over the elements of nature?

5. Why did Jesus provide the people only simple food?

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