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GC Music Ministry
December 7, 2020
For three days, November 13–15, 2020, musicians from around the world were united at a virtual Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Musicians’ Convention via Zoom.

“For three days, November 13–15, 2020, musicians from around the world were united at a virtual Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Musicians’ Convention via Zoom. This event brought together musicians of all levels to learn from, encourage, and motivate each other. Uplifting spiritual messages, experiences, and discussions were presented, which touched and united hearts around the globe.

Daniel Ojuok
December 1, 2020
December's First Sabbath Offering will go towards literature for Africa. In this report, Brother Daniel shares about Maasai Bibles being distributed in Kenya.

We thank God that His last message of mercy continues to spread in Kenya and the present truth is spreading to souls who have not heard it before. After my first missionary trip to Maasai land in September 2020, a great interest was awakened and there was a need to go back again to continue the work.


Svetlana Bosanac
November 17, 2020
United Kingdom
A baptism of two souls was held in Winchelsea Beach on October 10, 2020.

Winchelsea Beach, England—On October 10, 2020, a baptism was held at Winchelsea Beach, a village about 100 miles south of London. The two baptism candidates left their old lives in the Atlantic Ocean and were raised up to new life in Jesus Christ.


Brother George Bosanac officiated the baptism of the two young souls, including his own son, Filip Bosanac, and Simon Edward Dobrescu. We praise the Lord for their decision and invite the brethren to join us in praying for them.

Diego Moreno
November 11, 2020
The reorganization session of the Colombian Union was held from November 3-6, 2020

Barbosa, Colombia—From November 3-6, 2020, the reorganization session of the Colombian Union was held at the Eben-Ezer Camp in Barbosa, where the headquarters of the Colombian Union are located.


This was the XIV Reorganizational Assembly, and it was themed "Victorious in Christ". The brethren were united in one mission and goal.

Klara Finaru
November 10, 2020
United States
On Sunday, October 18, 2020, a group of eight young people devoted their lives to God through the covenant of baptism.

Roanoke, Virginia, USAOn Sunday, October 18, 2020, a group of eight young people, the youngest of which was 14,  devoted their lives to God and His church publicly through the covenant of baptism. Members and visitors from neighboring states came to witness the event. Brother Adrian Finaru opened the program with a welcome. He then introduced Brother Peter Lausevic who delivered the main message, speaking on the privilege which comes with the decision to join the family of God.

