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Patty Mancilla
February 7, 2024
The vibrant city of Santa Cruz, played host to the Reform Movement's National Youth Convention from January 15th to 20th. The theme was "The Reset".

Santa Cruz, Bolivia—The vibrant city of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, radiated with warmth as it played host to the Reform Movement's National Youth Convention from January 15th to 20th. Themed "The Reset," this gathering was a beacon of enthusiasm, drawing participants from across the nation and beyond. The guest speakers were Brother Adrian Finaru, Director of the GC Youth Department, and Brother Liviu Tudoroiu, GC Secretary, who inspired and guided the attendees.


Evelyn Gessner
January 29, 2024
The 7th Vacation Music Course was held in Itú, Brazil, in early January. The theme was "The Reason for Praise".

Itú, Brazil—In the second week of 2024, a vibrant assembly of 450 music enthusiasts convened at the South Brazilian Union's headquarters for an enriching musical retreat. Themed "The Reason for Praise," the event attracted dedicated music students not only from various corners of Brazil but also from the Chilean Union.


The schedule was brimming with activities, yet the atmosphere resonated with lively energy as sacred melodies echoed through the halls and among the nature outside over the course of the five-day program.


Larissa Gessner
January 3, 2024
A youth convention was held in Luanda from December 19-24. Young people from across Africa attended, and the event ended with the baptism of over 80 souls.

Luanda, Angola—The December heat in Luanda welcomed those arriving for the long-awaited International Youth Convention, which took place from December 19-24. The theme presented was "At the Threshold of Eternity", and Brethren Adrian Finaru (Youth Department Director), Rolly Dumaguit (1st Vice President), and Manuel Henda (Regional Secretary for Southern Africa) were among the speakers.


Karim Kasonga
January 3, 2024
CONGO, Democratic Republic of
After two years of study, the Rama Theological Missionary school students presented their final projects and graduated.

Kasangulu, the Democratic Republic of the Congo—On November 15-16, 2023, the students of the Rama Theological Missionary School in Kasangulu had the opportunity to defend their thesis ahead of their missionary school graduation. 


Over the course of two years, they dedicated their lives to the study of the Bible and the theology curriculum. On November 26, the twenty-six graduating students participated in the graduation ceremony, witnessed by their friends and family. Brother Mario Linares, the GC Missionary Department Director, was also present for the event. 


Renueva TV
January 3, 2024
The humanitarian mission "United for You - Jicamarca 2023" took place on December 17. Brethren from the various churches of the Metropolitan Peruvian Field lent their support to over 200 families.

Jicamarca, Peru—On December 17, 2023, the humanitarian mission "United for You - Jicamarca 2023" was successfully carried out at the América International School in Jicamarca, a rural village in the Peruvian mountains. 


Brethren from the various churches of the Metropolitan Peruvian Field lent their support to over 200 families. The services offered included: dietitian, medic and naturopathic, physiotherapy, dental, psychological, hairdressing, facial, family counseling, and welfare assistance.

