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Baptism in Sri Lanka

Merwin Christopher Anthony
October 17, 2019
Sri Lanka
On September 29, 2019, a baptism was held in Sri Lanka, where three souls were baptized in the Jaffna Region.

On September 29, 2019, a baptism was held in Sri Lanka, where three souls were baptized in the Jaffna Region. The baptism was performed by Brother G.Harrington Joseph, the local church elder, and Brother Nicolas Mariyanayagam, church leader in Jaffna.


Sri Lanka is a small island country home to a variety of languages, ethnicities, cultures, and religions. The most prominent religion is Buddhism, and Christianity ranks fourth on the list of popular religions in the nation. The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement has two groups in Sri Lanka, and we are grateful to God for the opportunities He has given for the work to grow in that region.


May the Lord continue blessing our brethren in Sri Lanka and let us pray for the abundant manifestation of the Holy Spirit to this country.