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Which Comes First—Obedience or Faith?

Larissa Tenorio
October 14, 2019
In the process of becoming more Christ-like, sanctification, what comes first—obedience or faith?

In the process of becoming more Christ-like, sanctification, what comes first—obedience or faith? To progress in our Christian life, obedience must be a result of faith. God does not ask obedience without conviction, without foundation on faith.


“In order to stand fast in the truth we need to have a living, active faith in God and his Word. Without such faith it is impossible to please God; for ‘whatsoever is not of faith is sin,’” SW March 24 1908. Obedience without faith is sin. (see Romans 14:23.)


Faithless obedience often results in pride, self-exaltation, and comparison to other human beings.


“The faith that is required is not a mere assent to doctrines; it is the faith that works by love and purifies the soul. Humility, meekness, and obedience are not faith, but they are the effects, or fruits, of faith,” SW March 24 1908.


God wants obedience for the right reasons. He asks His children to obey His commandments because they believe, trust, that He implemented these commandments and guidelines for their own good. Not because others are watching, not because it will make them look good in the church, not to brag or to “earn the right” to pass judgment on others. But because obedience is pleasing to God. To be acceptable in heaven’s sight, this obedience must be motivated by faith—trust in and love of God.


When the life of the Christian has been transformed there will be visible changes in lifestyle, and they will yearn to share their experience and to bring others to Christ so they too may experience His life-changing power. This will be done with tact, patience, and glory to God.


But how does a Christian experience this transformation? Through faith in God and daily choices. Conviction of principles and outward signs of faith rarely happen in a day. They are the result of small choices every day. Every day we are given the opportunity to choose faith-based obedience.


“Implicit trust in God's power to save, and its effect on the life and character, do not come in a moment. These heavenly graces are acquired by the experience of years. By a life of holy endeavor and firm adherence to the right, the people of God seal their destiny,” SW March 24 1908.


May God give us grace and strength every day to obey Him by faith.