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News Updates

Mario Linares
June 23, 2021
Two new missionary programs, the Volunteer Missionaries and the Evangelist Colporteurs, have seen great success in the South Brazilian Union.

Despite the pandemic-related difficulties that continue influencing 2021, several young people undertook a great commitment with God and dedicated a year of their lives to the work of the Lord.


E. Moreno
June 22, 2021
United States
On May 27, 2021, the annual Tennessee-Kentucky campmeeting was once again held in person. The theme was “The Cross Before the Crown”.

On May 27, 2021, by God’s grace we were able to attend the annual Tennessee-Kentucky campmeeting in person. The 2020 campmeeting took place online, so it was a double blessing to attend in person this year, as we missed seeing one another. We had a wonderful group of 150 guests present.

André Devai
June 10, 2021
CONGO, Democratic Republic of
On May 22, 2021, the Nyiragongo volcano located between two countries—Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, erupted. It took many lives and destroyed many buildings. Will you help rebuild?

Dear brethren around the entire world: Greetings in Christ our Lord!


“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10.


Enoch P. Balike
June 10, 2021
CONGO, Democratic Republic of
A personal testimony by Brother Enoch P. Balike from Goma, DRC.

It was the 22nd of May 2021, and we were spending a beautiful day, a happy Sabbath together. No smoke, no panic, the evening air promised the city a peaceful night. All the activities of the evening were going on, as usual. We perceived no threat.


The Sabbath ended peacefully, and around 6:30 pm, there were flashes of lightning tinted by a red color that we dismissed and attributed to a fire since the houses at the ends of the city are built of boards.  


Paul Chapman
June 2, 2021
The brethren in Australia have held the first in-person inter-state event in over a year!

New South Wales, Australia—We praise God that members and friends from South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland could join to worship together, encourage each other, and enjoy the lovely New South Wales countryside.  

