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Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
August 17, 2017
Intestinal health is dependant on the very early stages of life. But how can we improve it later in life and influence our children's intestinal health?

What’s growing in your intestines?


You probably know that trillions of bacteria live in our intestines. But how are these little organisms planted? The origin of a healthy intestinal flora lies in the first few hours of life. Different factors including mode of delivery, feeding habits, maternal or newborn use of medication, affect the initial colonizing process. This initial exposure has a profound impact on future health, and any alteration in the microflora during this sensitive time period can lead to dysfunctional immunity and hostile infections.


Jorai Cruz
August 15, 2017
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy," Matthew 5: 7

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy," Matthew 5:7. 


Gerson Robles
August 15, 2017
"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth," Matthew 5:5. What does meekness look like in our lives today?

"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth," Matthew 5:5.

A plant born upon the ashes of the ego; it quietly grows upon the grave of pride and selfishness, and its bloom ardently feeds off the sunlight of God's countenance - this is meekness. Reading words similar to these struck a chord.


There is a natural progression in Christ's Beatitudes as He mentioned meekness. Notice:


D. Campodonico
August 15, 2017
The first outreach program in Malta occurred this summer on July 11, 2017. The participating brethren share their experience.

Around A. D. 60 the ship to Rome on which Paul was traveling as a prisoner shipwrecked in Melita, Malta (Acts 28). Today, Malta is a small island country in the Mediterranean Sea south of Italy, with a population of approximately 445,426. The official languages are Maltese and English. The state or main religion is Catholicism but religious freedom is granted.


GC Music Committee
August 15, 2017
Circular letter and invitation to all units of the SDA - Reform Movement concerning the upcoming international music program. Will you be participating?

To all Units of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement: Christian greetings with Ephesians 5:19.


We trust that this finds you richly enjoying the blessings of the Lord. The purpose of this circular is to promote and solicit the support of the Units of the General Conference for the project, Music and the Protestant Reformation, to be held on November 10-12, 2017, in the SDA Reform Movement churches around the world.

