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Dorval Fagundes
September 15, 2019
As a land blessed by the Gospel, Brazil stands out with unusual missionary and spiritual experiences

“He that oppresseth the poor, despiseth his Maker, but he that dealeth kindly with the good, honors God” (Proverbs 14:31).


Around 1974, Jacinto Pereira, then a young man 27 years of age, was invited to become a colporteur. Until that moment, he had never sold anything in his life, but he understood that the call to literature evangelism was divine, so he worked in several locations as a missionary of the printed page.


Temporary Bulletin Committee
September 15, 2019
A summary of the eleventh day's activities during the 23rd GC Delegation Session being held in Itu, Brazil.

September 15, 2019—Itú, Brazil


A new week started with a glorious morning. Sunshine, fresh air, and the delegates rested well. This morning Brother C. Matyas of Austria, presented the morning worship. He spoke on the topic of "True Humility."  As Jesus ascended to heaven finishing His mission on this earth, He left a handful of unlearned lowly disciples to accomplish a task beyond their ability and talent. These men learned of Jesus something that was the key to their success. 


Temporary Bulletin Committee
September 13, 2019
A summary of the tenth day's activities during the 23rd GC Delegation Session being held in Itu, Brazil.

September 13, 2019—Itú, Brazil


Time is flying, and there is now less than a week left of the General Conference Delegation Session. We could feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit as God truly blessed us during the session. We have now elected the representatives for all the regions of the world, and the brethren elected promised to work tirelessly, by the grace of God, to fulfill the Gospel commission. Our focus at this time is to evangelize the world, to spread the good news to every nation, kindred, and tongue, telling them the great redemption story.


Dorval Fagundes
September 13, 2019
Beginning as the poorest and most forgotten place in the country, São Paulo is today not only the city, but the state, that never sleeps. It is also the state that is hosting the General Conference's 23rd Delegation Session and Public Meetings.

São Paulo city, the capital of the state bearing the same name, was so obscure that it was even born in seclusion. The location where it was founded was not just invisible to the eyes of those who came from the ocean, but it was also protected by a massive natural wall, which is known as the Serra do Mar [Mountain Range of the Sea]. Viewed from below, this impressive ridge seems to cover the horizon, as if hiding another world.


Temporary Bulletin Committee
September 12, 2019
A summary of the ninth day's activities during the 23rd GC Delegation Session being held in Itu, Brazil.

September 12, 2019—Itú, Brazil


The session this morning started with the delegation singing a well-known hymn: “How Great Thou Art” followed by a special musical item. From time to time brethren present a special item at the beginning or at the end of the day. These items range from solos to small choirs. These presentations are just one way to praise our great God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us.

