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Youth Messenger Online Edition

April-June, 2016

W. E. Perrin

An observing person has said of businesspeople that 50% fail, about 47% make a living, and 3% make a success of life. There are various reasons for this. People often embark in a business for which they have neither practical training nor natural ability; they display an indifference to proper business methods that is unworthy of success; they have no ambition to push, and manifest no degree of “stick-to-it-iveness” whatsoever.

The latter evil is one that seriously affects a large portion of humanity. Indeed, discontentment, which immediately precedes it, is well-nigh universal. It afflicts all alike, old and young, male and female. People get into a business or a position in life, and if the returns are not what were expected, they become dissatisfied and discontent, and are ready to give up—they fail to stick to it.

There is just one remedy for this fault. All should examine themselves, study their dispositions and natural abilities, and learn what position in life they are qualified to fill, and then enter that position, and work. Be satisfied with nothing short of perfection in the line you take up; stick to it, and success will come.