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Youth Messenger Online Edition


Youthful Vigor
The Sour Side of Vinegar
The Sour Side of Vinegar

The term “vinegar” is derived from the French vin aigre, which literally means “sour wine.” Traditionally, it was fermented over a period of several weeks or longer, thus producing acetic acid bacteria. Different colors of vinegar occur as a result of whatever produce has been fermented. Apple cider vinegar, for example, is derived from rotten apples—although it is often touted as a health remedy.

Popular remedies come and go, but whatever we decide about them, our first priority must be to check the Spirit of Prophecy to see whether or not the latest health fad is in harmony with the principles kindly provided to us by our all-knowing Creator. Let’s see:

“[When] salads are prepared with oil and vinegar, fermentation takes place in the stomach, and the food does not digest but decays or putrefies. As a consequence the blood is not nourished but becomes filled with impurities, and liver and kidney difficulty appear. Heart disturbances, inflammation, and many evils are the result of such kind of treatment, and not only are the bodies affected, but the morals, the religious life, are affected.”—Manuscript Releases, vol. 2, pp. 143, 144.

What advice did Ellen White give to a friend struggling with the habit of indulging in vinegar—practical advice which can apply to all types of vices pertaining to appetite?

“Discard everything that would cause you to do halfway work in seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Put away every indulgence that would hinder you in the work of overcoming. Ask for the prayers of those who can comprehend your need of help.

“There was a time when I was in a situation similar in some respects to yours. I had indulged the desire for vinegar. But I resolved with the help of God to overcome this appetite. I fought the temptation, determined not to be mastered by this habit.

“If you will determine to overcome, the Lord . . . will give you strength to resist every temptation.”

“For weeks I was very sick; but I kept saying over and over, The Lord knows all about it. If I die, I die; but I will not yield to this desire. The struggle continued, and I was sorely afflicted for many weeks. All thought that it was impossible for me to live. You may be sure we sought the Lord very earnestly. The most fervent prayers were offered for my recovery. I continued to resist the desire for vinegar, and at last I conquered. Now I have no inclination to taste anything of the kind. This experience has been of great value to me in many ways. I obtained a complete victory.

“I relate this experience to you for your help and encouragement. I have faith, my sister, that you can come through this trial, and reveal that God is the helper of His children in every time of need. If you determine to conquer this habit and will fight it perseveringly, you can obtain an experience of the highest value. When you set your will resolutely to break off this indulgence, you will have the help you need from God. Try it, my sister.

“As long as you acknowledge this habit by indulging it, Satan will retain his hold on your will and bring it into obedience to himself. But if you will determine to overcome, the Lord will heal you and will give you strength to resist every temptation. Ever remember that Christ is your Saviour and Keeper.”—Counsels on Diet and Foods, pp. 484, 485.