April-June, 2015
Dealing With the Gospel
An Appeal to the YoungPart 1 of 2
You now have a short time of probation and may improve this opportunity to make an unconditional surrender to God.
Issues for Youth
True LovePart 2 of 3
Genuine, enduring love is rare in this day and age; infatuation comes easily. Know the difference!
Sharing With Friends
Everything Happens for a Reason
We must be willing to trust God’s plan and follow where He leads, although at times we cannot see the path beneath our feet.
Wise Economy
your two cents - Where shall I spend it?Part 2 of 3
Put God first, meet your needs, help others, be sharp, be balanced, and budget.
“Where Is the Piccolo?”
Even the smallest member of a group can make a big difference.
Amazing Creation
Surface Moisture
There are spiritual lessons to be drawn from the power of moisture as conducive to life.
Thinking of Others
The Turtle
Even the slowest of creatures have a definite purpose in God’s grand picture.
Tell Me a Story
A Change of Color
Anger and resentment can be wiped out when we put into practice the wonderful principles taught in God’s word.
What Kind of Test?
What kind of test are we preparing for? The most important one should be the priority!
The Prayer And The Life
Prayer is not about a lot of empty, formal talk. It’s opening the heart in sincerity to the only One who supplies our every need.