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Sabbath Bible Lessons

Lessons from the Epistles of Peter (I)

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Lesson 9 Sabbath, June 1, 2024

The Baptism Everyone Needs

MEMORY TEXT: “The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:21).

“I entreat the church members in every city that they lay hold upon the Lord with determined effort for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.”—Counsels on Health, p. 548.

Suggested Reading:   Steps to Christ, pp. 17-22

Sunday May 26


a. What did Peter state in writing and preaching in regard to the only possible way of salvation? 1 Peter 3:18; Acts 4:10–12.

b. Why couldn’t God in His mercy simply forgive and save sinners without sacrificing His Son? Isaiah 26:10 and Romans 8:7 compared to Romans 5:10 and Colossians 1:20–22.

“In his sinless state, man held joyful communion with [God]. . . . But after his sin, he could no longer find joy in holiness, and he sought to hide from the presence of God. . . . The sinner could not be happy in God’s presence; he would shrink from the companionship of holy beings. Could he be permitted to enter heaven, it would have no joy for him. The spirit of unselfish love that reigns there . . . would touch no answering chord in his soul. His thoughts, his interests, his motives, would be alien to those that actuate the sinless dwellers there. He would be a discordant note in the melody of heaven. Heaven would be to him a place of torture. . . . It is no arbitrary decree on the part of God that excludes the wicked from heaven; they are shut out by their own unfitness for its companionship. The glory of God would be to them a consuming fire.”—Steps to Christ, pp. 17, 18.

Monday May 27


a. Although we are saved through Christ’s death, in what sense are we also “saved by the resurrection of Jesus”? 1 Peter 3:21 (last part); 1 Corinthians 6:14; 15:22, 23; 1 Thessalonians 4:13–16.

b. What does Peter explain in regard to who actually fulfilled the Father’s command and resurrected Jesus? Compare Acts 2:22–24 to 1 Peter 3:18.

“He who died for the sins of the world was to remain in the tomb for the allotted time. He was in that stony prison house as a prisoner of divine justice. . . . He was bearing the sins of the world, and His Father only could release Him.”—The Youth’s Instructor, May 2, 1901.

“By raising Christ from the dead, the Father glorified His Son before the Roman guard, . . . satanic host, and before the heavenly universe.”—Lift Him Up, p. 102.

“Then the mighty angel, with a voice that caused the earth to quake, was heard: Jesus thou Son of God, thy Father calls thee! And He who had earned the power to conquer death and the grave came forth.”—The Present Truth, February 18, 1886.

“God is clothed with power; He is able to take those who are dead in trespasses and sins, and by the operation of the Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead, transform the human character, bringing back to the soul the lost image of God.”—The Youth’s Instructor, February 7, 1895.

c. Who will resurrect all the saints into immortality at Christ’s return, and under what condition only will that be possible? Romans 8:9–11.

“The mortal bodies are quickened by His Spirit that dwelleth in you. . . .

“The vitalizing power of the Spirit of Christ dwelling in the mortal body binds every believing soul to Jesus Christ. . . .

“The Lifegiver will call up His purchased possession in the first resurrection. . . . By the power of the Saviour that dwelt in them while living and because they were partakers of the divine nature, they are brought forth from the dead.”—Selected Messages, bk. 2, p. 271.

“Death is looked upon by Christ as sleep—silence, darkness, sleep. He speaks of it as if it were of little moment. . . . And to the believing one, death is but a small matter. With him to die is but to sleep.

“The same power that raised Christ from the dead will raise His church.”—My Life Today, p. 295.

Tuesday May 28


a. Whom did Jesus use to preach the Gospel, and appeal to fallen humanity in Old Testament times? 1 Peter 3:18 (last part), 19, 20. To understand who were the “spirits in prison,” compare this phrase to Proverbs 5:22; Isaiah 42:6, 7; 61:1.

“God is constantly appealing to the human heart, bidding it recognize His love and mercy. . . . Thus He has pleaded with mankind in all ages. In Noah’s day Christ spoke to men through a human agency and preached to those who were in bondage to sin.”—This Day With God, p. 278.

“Before this the Spirit had been in the world; from the very beginning of the work of redemption He had been moving upon men’s hearts.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 669.

b. After His ascension, whom did Christ send to empower the apostles to continue the gospel work? John 14:12, 16, 17; 20:21, 22; Acts 1:2.

“While Christ was on earth, the disciples had desired no other helper. Not until they were deprived of His presence would they feel their need of the Spirit, and then He would come.

“The Holy Spirit is Christ’s representative, but divested of the personality of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity, Christ could not be in every place personally. Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His successor on earth. No one could then have any advantage because of his location or his personal contact with Christ. By the Spirit the Saviour would be accessible to all. In this sense He would be nearer to them than if He had not ascended on high.”—Ibid.

c. What promise of God is to be fulfilled again in the time of the end, in a greater way than it was in the time of the apostles? Joel 2:28–31; Hosea 6:3.

“The great work of the gospel is not to close with less manifestation of the power of God than marked its opening.”—The Great Controversy, p. 611.

Wednesday May 29


a. Explain the complete baptism necessary for salvation. Mark 1:7, 8; John 3:3, 5.

“The atmosphere of the church is so frigid. . . . The warmth of their first love is frozen up, and unless they are watered over by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, their candlestick will be removed out of its place, except they repent and do their first works.”—Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 167, 168.

b. Why do many Christians have a hard time keeping the vows made at their baptism by water? Hebrews 5:11, 12; 6:1, 2.

“There are many who give no decided evidence that they are true to their baptismal vows. Their zeal is chilled by formality, worldly ambition, pride, and love of self.”—Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 155.

“How greatly do the workers need a baptism of the Holy Spirit, that they may become true missionaries for God.”—Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 155.

“It is our work today to yield our souls to Christ, that we may be fitted for the time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord—fitted for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.”—Evangelism, p. 702.

c. Who only can purify our conscience to make our baptismal vows a real “answer of a good conscience toward God”? Compare 1 Peter 3:21 to Hebrews 9:14; Romans 8:9, 10.

“What we need is a conscience quickened by the Spirit of God; for with many, conscience has been stupefied by indulgence in sin and unbelief. We must know what religion is, and realize that we must have a living connection with the God of heaven.”—The Signs of the Times, July 25, 1892.

“Who but the Holy Spirit presents before the mind the moral standard of righteousness and convinces of sin, and produces godly sorrow which worketh repentance that needeth not to be repented of, and inspires the exercise of faith in Him who alone can save from all sin.”—Selected Messages, bk. 3, pp. 137, 138.

Thursday May 30


a. Where does Peter once again point in leading us to salvation? 1 Peter 3:21 (last part), 22; Hebrews 8:1.

“[The Lord Jesus] sits at the right hand of God and receives supreme honor as God, the glory He had before the world was. He distributes His gifts to all who by faith shall claim them. . . .

“We have an inexhaustible storehouse, an ocean of love in the God of our salvation.”—That I May Know Him, p. 338.

“He arose from the tomb enshrouded with a cloud of angels in wondrous power and glory—the Deity and humanity combined. He took in His grasp the world over which Satan claimed to preside as his lawful territory, and by His wonderful work in giving His life, He restored the whole race of men to favor with God.

“Let no one take the limited, narrow position that any of the works of man can help in the least possible way to liquidate the debt of his transgression. This is a fatal deception. If you would understand it, you must cease haggling over your pet ideas, and with humble hearts survey the atonement. This matter is so dimly comprehended that thousands upon thousands claiming to be sons of God are children of the wicked one, because they will depend on their own works. God always demanded good works, the law demands it, but because man placed himself in sin where his good works were valueless, Jesus’ righteousness alone can avail. Christ is able to save to the uttermost because He ever liveth to make intercession for us. All that man can possibly do toward his own salvation is to accept the invitation. . . . No sin can be committed by man for which satisfaction has not been met on Calvary. Thus the cross, in earnest appeals, continually proffers to the sinner a thorough expiation.”—Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 343.

Friday May 31


1. How can I find greater joy in talking and thinking of Jesus and His Word?

2. What evidence is there of the work of the Holy Spirit in me?

3. What would enhance the extent of the Holy Spirit to use me in service?

4. How can I experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit in fullness?

5. What too often causes us to lose sight of Jesus and thereby lose faith?

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