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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

Victorious Lives

Victorious Lives
B. Montrose
Victorious Lives

They’re mocked and they’re scorned,

For their standards are stricter.

Some view them as losers,

But each one’s a victor.

They’ve come throughout hist’ry—

Just turn back the clock:

A notable one was

The man named Enoch.

Then Abraham followed.

He offered his son,

But God intervened and

The victr’y was won.

And then there was Joseph—

Mistreated by brothers.

Forgiving and noble

Was his life for others.

On death they’re acclaimed and

Their graves strewn with roses—

But life was with hardship:

Another was Moses.

One prophet whose courage

Has much we admire:

God answered Elijah

With heavenly fire.

Another was Daniel,

A prophet whose fate

Was slavery, threatenings—

Then head of state.

They’re only just human—

Some frail, striving sinners.

But with Jesus’ guidance

How soon they were winners!

We’ve named just a few here;

These only are some.

For we, too, are bidden

To win—overcome!

The time is now closer

For God’s tiny few.

Let’s learn from these victors—

Will one then be you?

The pathway is steep, and

The passage, its pain.

But let us recall how

God’s own Lamb was slain.

Beholding, our hearts melt

For gain and not loss—

In laying all down at

The foot of the cross.