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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

21st General Conference Session

The European Region
Adapted From the Report of Marin Barbu
The European Region

Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the elders” (Psalm 107:31,32).

The continent of Europe has been deeply affected by the worldwide financial crisis, and as believers we have sought with fasting and prayer to find solutions on a local level for the many problems it has caused to families in all economic brackets. Our fellow coworkers have been concerned to maintain our standards high so that our churches can be centers for education and preparation of our future missionaries, and they have also made plans as to how to spread the present truth. In some countries, our spiritual conferences have been held in different cities than before and new people interested in Bible truth have been invited to attend. In other countries nutrition seminars have been planned, along with seminars on health, family life, prophecy, and evangelistic methods.

Geneva has been under the attention of the GC for the organizing of an ample public evangelistic action in the summer of 2010. Since then a good influence and interested souls continue in Switzerland.

During the last four years, the Reform Movement has had the following organization structure in this continent: two unions (Romanian and the South Slavonic), nine fields (Austrian, Bulgarian, French, North German, South German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) and the English and Finnish Fields.

In Romania, on January 1, 2010, in a solemn atmosphere, 37 students graduated from the courses of the missionary school in Fagaras, being available to contribute with their talents wherever they will be needed. A new group took their place in the classroom.

Various seminars, youth conventions, and spiritual conventions have been organized. At the same time, our printing shop has offered a large and varied choice of publications at prices accessible to all categories of readers, so that the Present Truth should be able to find access into the houses of the people.

The South Slavonic Union has especially enjoyed positive spiritual growth lately. Twice a year, in the beautiful building of Stara Pazova, spiritual conferences have been held where the believers from all the republics composing the Union have been encouraged by the interesting spiritual and health studies. Public meetings have been conducted in Novi Sad as well. In this city, through the hard work, goodwill, and generosity of the brethren and sisters abroad, a new chapel has been erected. The young people in Croatia contributed to the organizing and conducting of the evangelistic meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2010, and we hope that with their energies they will dedicate themselves unto other missionary activities in Europe in the coming years, encouraging other young people to get involved in missionary action.

The Austrian Field consists of three local churches: Wolfern, Graz, Vienna, and several isolated members. In Austria there are two Bible workers and in Wolfern (where the current headquarters of the Austrian Field is located), spiritual conventions are held quite often with the participation of the brethren and sisters from Germany, Romania, and Italy.

In Bulgaria our brethren and sisters have been blessed with two new chapels since 2007. With great sacrifice, they bought and renovated a 3-story building in the Kiril i Metodi Sreet in Sofia, where the Bulgarian headquarters is located. In 2010 the believers purchased a nice building in Dolno Oriahovita, with a garden and inner courtyard, and there we had our first spiritual convention and delegation session.

In France, there are believers in greater Paris and Grenoble. In 2010 the young people in the French Field had a successful involvement in the Geneva evangelistic program.

In Germany, twice a year the believers from the North German Field (to which the believers in Denmark, Sweden, and Holland are attached), and the South German Field (to which the members of Switzerland are attached), they all come together in Lindach, where the headquarters of the South Field is located. Here they organize seminars, public meetings, and youth conventions.

The majority of our members in the Italian Field live and work in the northern half of the territory, being organized in the local churches of Trieste, Turin, Milan, Ponti a Poppi, but there is also an active group in Rome as well as many isolated brethren and sisters spread in the different regions of the country.

In Hungary there are almost 200 members organized in several local churches and groups all around the country. The members gather for three or even four times a year in Mogyorod, close to Budapest, in the nice chapel which hosts our headquarters in Hungary. Here they conduct medical-missionary seminars, family seminars, youth conventions, nutrition seminars, and spiritual conventions. The young people are very active, helping with their nice brass band and the well-prepared choir to missionary activities in Hungary and even abroad.

Even with the absence of a permanent minister in Portugal, the Lord has richly blessed His work there. A group of dedicated members invested their means in advertising two health books, and the Lord returned the money and brought the blessing of people interested in the truth. The new building of the Montijo chapel has been built, they bought a nice chapel in Portimao for the Moldavian brethren and sisters who are organized as a local church there, they prepared the new candidates for baptism, and many people wrote letters of thanks for the books sent. In April 2010, the chapel in Montijo was dedicated, and the meetings of our local church continue to be held there, as well as seminars, public conferences, and interesting youth conventions. In January 2011, Portugal hosted the first musical congress held in Europe, with very interesting topics.

The brethren and sisters in Spain are spread all over the country. There are groups and local churches in Madrid, Barcelona, Castellon, and Malaga. The members from Madrid and the surroundings gather at our property in Alcala de Henares. Here they organize seminars, public conferences, and youth conventions.

In Great Britain there are almost 20 friends who meet each Sabbath in a rented place in London.

In Finland there is a group of faithful brethren and sisters who live close to Helsinki, and they encourage themselves each Sabbath studying our Sabbath Bible Lessons.

In Albania there is a group of approximately 20 people interested in the truth. A family has been sent to work in Vlore (on the Eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea). The Sabbath Bible Lessons, the book Steps to Christ, and various pamphlets have been translated and printed in Albanian and widely distributed. We hope to see some fruits soon of the sacrifices made in Albania.

Throughout most of Europe, Christendom has lost the moral and religious power it had during the time of the Reformers. The countries of Europe must be evangelized again. Non-Christian religions have developed here as a result of the migration to the west of Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus. In this region we need well-prepared missionaries who are able to face these serious challenges. All need to be on guard against the increasing challenges and even against persecution. May the heavenly Father strengthen and sanctify us with the beneficial presence of the Holy Spirit!