The Young Missionary Project

The Young Missionary Project began with the idea to ​​give every young person with the desire to be a volunteer missionary the opportunity to do so for one year.


São Paulo, Brazil—The Young Missionary Project began with the idea to ​​give every young person with the desire to be a volunteer missionary the opportunity to do so for one year.

The Youth, Missionary, and Canvassing Departments of the São Paulo Field created a sustainable action plan so that young people could respond to the call of the Master.

We then spread the news across Brazil and Latin America that the São Paulo Field was receiving applications for young missionaries to live in different regions of our state. Their housing, transportation, and food would be provided. They would also have the opportunity to canvass every morning, and the profit would be solely theirs.

By the grace of God, many answered the call from across South America and beyond! Twenty-five young missionaries came from Colombia, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, France, and Brazil. Once the individuals arrived, they went through 10 days of training and development, which began on March 1 and ended on March 10. Upon completion of their training, each missionary was sent to their respective Mission in groups of two or three.

Four new churches will be opened, six churches in need will be attended, and two churches that were closed will be reopened as a result of these young people’s dedication. In addition, one of the missionary pairs will work on a children’s welfare project in the city of Araraquara.

In five days of work, the missionaries to the city of Viracopos were able to secure a meeting place and have been holding meetings with eleven souls. The three missionaries in Pirapozinho, where a humanitarian mission was held when they arrived, have been tasked to follow up with 74 home visits and 97 Bible study requests.

We are very happy with the start of this project that has the potential to change our church’s history, but for this to happen we need everyone’s prayer.

We recognize our inexperience, but we are firm in the Lord Jesus, focused and determined to make this project effective and save many souls. We also pray that this will come to be the best year of these young missionaries’ lives.

