Missionary Outreach – French Polynesia

From February 22 to March 4, the brethren in French Polynesia held a series of missionary activities in the surrounding islands.


Tahiti Nui Island, French Polynesia—From February 22 to March 4, the brethren in French Polynesia held a series of missionary activities in the surrounding islands. French Polynesia is a set of 118 islands in the Pacific Ocean, between Australia and South America. It is one of the most isolated places on earth, due to its distance from the closest Continent.

Brother Rolly Dumaguit from the Philippines (GC Vice President), accompanied by Brother Etienne Lombard (Elder, Canada), assisted our brethren in their missionary activities.

The brethren spent the first Sabbath on the island of Tahiti, the largest of the archipelago. Following the baptism of two souls on Sunday, they went to the sister island Mo’orea, where the local brethren had organized presentations on the virtues of medicinal plants. These were two days of rich exchanges on the transmission of the knowledge of plants, with conferences on diet and diabetes.

For three evenings, the brethren met with interested souls and delivered messages about the need for organization, the history of the Advent movement, and the visible church of God. The presentations were either given in English, with a translation in Tahitian or directly in French, a language every attendant spoke and understood.

On Wednesday, the brethren went to the island of Huahine and repeated a similar health evangelistic project. The team held different workshops, including an eye-cleaning booth, individual health counseling, as well as the distribution of clothes and vegetarian dishes to all the visitors. About a hundred people were able to benefit from the advice in herbal medicine, 700 clothes were distributed, and 95 vegetarian trays were served, accompanied by brochures with many vegetarian recipes.

Following a Sabbath in Huahine and the brethren’s return to Tahiti, some personal visits were given to our members to encourage them to prepare for the soon return of our Lord Jesus. After the departure of Brother Rolly, a Worker’s Seminar was held for two days to conclude the trip.

May the Lord bless the efforts made by all the brethren that contributed to this missionary outreach. Let us pray for the church in French Polynesia, that they may be strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

