Canvassing in Alto Alegre, Brazil

The experience of twenty-two young people as they spent summer vacation canvassing in the north of Brazil.


From January 3-15, twenty-two young people in Roraima, Brazil, spent their summer vacation canvassing in the town of Alto Alegre. Most of the participants had never gone canvassing before, and only four were baptized. 

First, they participated in Bible studies and missionary training. Then, they were sent out in pairs for practical training. In the five days of practice, over 8,000 pamphlets were distributed, hundreds of magazines delivered, and 150 books were sold. As a result, souls interested in learning more about the Gospel signed up for Bible studies. 

On the last weekend, they participated in a conference in the state capital of Boa Vista, where their graduation took place on Sunday. 

The young people spent fifteen days together, growing spiritually and working for the Lord. By the end of the vacation canvassing, the remaining eighteen of the young people decided to prepare for baptism this year still. 

May the Lord bless these young souls as they continue dedicating their time and lives to Him!

