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General Conference Annual Council 2020

The General Conference Annual Council took place from September 15-30, 2020.


Roanoke, Virginia—The General Conference Annual Council was held from September 15-30, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the many travel restrictions imposed, the brethren were unable to come together at a single meeting place. Undaunted by these obstacles, and thanks to modern technology, Council members from around the world representing their respective regions and departments convened for the first time via teleconference.

The brethren came together in the spirit of Christ with a unified focus to not only work on the general administrative matters of the church, but even more so to consider how best to meet the spiritual needs of our members worldwide individually and collectively, as well as to reach souls yearning for a Savior. To this end, the Council developed plans to expand evangelistic and missionary endeavors. 

Strategies and budgetary provisions were made for the upcoming year to reach certain countries where we do not have members. These efforts also include the expansion of our media work including a new app and a new visual identity for our organization as a whole.

The Department leaders also had the opportunity to present their plans for the year ahead. Seminars and projects led by the different GC Departments were approved for the following two years.

During the Council, the Doctrinal and Ministerial Committees met to consider doctrinal matters and ministerial needs of different regions respectively.

After prayerful consideration, the brethren chose the country of Colombia to host the next General Conference Session in 2024.

We praise the Lord for His mercy and guidance during these challenging times. We pray that He will provide the laborers needed to finish the work as we move forward in the blessed hope of Christ’s soon return.

