Camp Meeting in Uganda

Our brethren in Uganda recently enjoyed a special time of fellowship.


The Uganda Mission held a camp meeting on December 8-15, 2013, in Bukhotzo.
Brethren and visitors coming from various places were blessed with the spiritual food sent by the Lord through His messengers.

Communion service was held for the church members and a baby was dedicated to the Lord at the camp meeting.

Baby dedication

Lately, the brethren of the Uganda Mission have been working to further develop the cause of God in Jinja, where a new group has been established along the Nile River.

The lack of church buildings in some areas is still a challenge in Uganda, but the brethren are not discouraged by this. They always rejoice in the Lord whenever they have the opportunity to gather together under tents to hold special meetings.

We pray that the Lord may continue blessing the work in Uganda and provide for our church family there.
