7th Vacation Music Course – Brazil

The 7th Vacation Music Course was held in Itú, Brazil, in early January. The theme was "The Reason for Praise".


Itú, Brazil—In the second week of 2024, a vibrant assembly of 450 music enthusiasts convened at the South Brazilian Union’s headquarters for an enriching musical retreat. Themed “The Reason for Praise,” the event attracted dedicated music students not only from various corners of Brazil but also from the Chilean Union.

The schedule was brimming with activities, yet the atmosphere resonated with lively energy as sacred melodies echoed through the halls and among the nature outside over the course of the five-day program.

During the weekend, the students had the opportunity to showcase their musical expressions of praise at a spiritual conference. The Chilean Union’s Musical Group, the Reform Symphony Orchestra, the Reform Symphony Brass, and the general choir each presented.

Guest speakers included officials from the North and South Brazilian Unions and the President of the Chilean Union. Each shared inspiring messages, adding depth to the spiritual experience.

Below, we share a glimpse of the gathering through a selection of photos. We express gratitude to the Almighty for safeguarding the participants and for the opportunity to channel their talents in devotion and praise.

