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Eli Tenorio
March 13, 2020
As a church, we want to promote good health among all our members and those with whom we come into contact.

Dear Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement family around the world,


May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with each one of you.


We have all been following the development of the coronavirus pandemic in the last few days as it has reached almost every part of the world. As a church, we want to promote good health among all our members and those with whom we come into contact.


Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to advise our church family members to do their best to prevent contamination and to avoid spreading it to others.

March 1, 2020
A humanitarian mission was held in Aquidabã in the northern state of Sergipe, Brazil, from January 26-28, 2020.

Aquidabã, Brazil—A humanitarian mission, organized by the Brazilian Unions' Welfare Departments, was held in Aquidabã, a town of 20,000 inhabitants in the northern state of Sergipe, Brazil, from January 26-28, 2020.


Approximately 100 volunteers, among them young people from around the country, doctors, nurses, dentists, opticians, complementary medicine professionals, lawyers, psychologists, hairdressers, and artisans, traveled for days by bus to participate in the mission.


Adrian Barnea
February 28, 2020
A Spiritual Conference and a sacred music concert were held in the mission of Vojvodina, at the church in Novi Sad.

Novi Sad, Serbia—On February 14-16, 2020, a Spiritual Conference and a sacred music concert were held in the mission of Vojvodina, at the church in Novi Sad. The theme of the meeting was: ''Changing into New Rainment''.


The sermons were presented by the brethren Adrian Barnea (Vojvodina Mission) and Radu Ionița (GC Regional Secretary for Europe). The event was blessed with the visit of the SDARM Romanian National Orchestra, who performed a beautiful concert of sacred music. For music videos, please visit

Adrian Barnea
February 19, 2020
By the grace of God, a medical missionary activity took place between January 30 and February 1, 2020, in the Vojvodina Mission.

Vojvodina, Serbia—By the grace of God, a medical missionary activity took place between January 30 and February 1, 2020, in the Vojvodina Mission.


Lectures were presented on Autophagy, which is defined by the USA National Cancer Institute as “A process by which a cell breaks down and destroys old, damaged, or abnormal proteins and other substances in its cytoplasm (the fluid inside a cell).” The topics were presented by Brother Dragan Ivanov, M.D. and Brother Adrian Barnea.


Etienne Lombard
February 17, 2020
Seven souls joined the Reform Movement in Montreal, Canada, at the beginning of 2020.

Montreal, Canada—It is uncommon, even in our larger churches in North America, for a group of seven souls to join a local church at once. It is particularly not commonplace when the local church they would join is a “little flock” of eight souls. Yet this is exactly what happened in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on January 11, 2020. Seven souls, reflecting the ethnic and linguistic diversity of Canada, became the new members of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Church in Montreal.
