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Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
January 31, 2016
You may be eating healthy meals and healthy food, but is your body fully absorbing all the nutrients available to it? We have often heard the repeated adage, “you are what you eat." A twist on the well-known proverb can be “you are what your body absorbs from what you eat.”

You may be eating healthy meals and healthy food, but is your body fully absorbing all the nutrients available to it? We have often heard the repeated adage, “you are what you eat." A twist on the well-known proverb can be “you are what your body absorbs from what you eat.” Sometimes, however, there are things which can prevent our body from consuming all the nutrients it should be.


Abel Barraza
January 31, 2016
It all happened on a beautiful sunny Sunday in September of 1999—God showed us how He cares for what is His own.

It all happened on a beautiful sunny Sunday in September of 1999. God showed us how He cares for what is His own. A few of us were working on the building project of the first chapel in Panama City, Panama. We worked hard that day as we were striving to complete the walls of the building.


Larissa Tenorio
January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016, the GC Welfare Department's mission trip "Manos Para Servir" began.

During the last few weeks of January 2016, young people and brethren from all over South America made their way to Santiago, Chile for a mission trip themed "Manos Para Servir" or "Hands to Serve".  The GC Welfare Department Director, Brother André Devai, led the mission trip along with several other brethren who helped organize the project, which began on Sunday, January 24, 2016. 


Dorival Dumitru
January 24, 2016
"God’s people are exposed to the unsleeping hatred of the prince of darkness, but God assures them that the angels never stop guarding them."—The Great Hope, p. 7.

"The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them" (Psalm 34:7).


I was tired. It was the end of a long day of activity as leader of the youth department in São Paulo, Brazil. At the time I lived in the Lapa district and worked in Vila Matilde, which is around 22km away. This meant my commute included two trains and a 15-minute walk between stations each way. Nowadays this trip takes  about an hour and a half each way, but today's modern metro system was a future project back in those days, when trips took much longer.


Larissa Tenorio
January 24, 2016
United States
From January 25–28, the GC Doctrinal Committee will convene to discuss major doctrinal issues that have arisen in various units around the world.

This Monday, January 25, the GC Doctrinal Committee will convene in Roanoke, Virginia, in order to discuss major doctrinal issues that have arisen in various SDARM units around the world. The Committee includes Brn. Davi Paes Silva (Chairman), Peter Lausevic, Duraisamy Sureshkumar, Eli Tenorio, and Liviu Tudoroiu. 

