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Cornelius Barbu
September 7, 2016
Did you get to attend this summer's music camp? Read about how it went, what happened, and to see the pictures.

We are thankful to the Lord for the opportunity He has given us to be useful in His work, this time by means of music. The Music Department and the Youth Department of the SDARM in Romania, in cooperation with the Music Committee and the Youth Department of the GC, held our first musical summer school on August 15th-21st, 2016, in Porumbacu, Romania. The event title was “Echoes from Paradise”, and its key text was “And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord” Psalms 40:3.


GC Secretary and Music Committee
September 5, 2016
October 1 is the International Day of Music. The Music Comittee of the General Conference has taken this opportunity to prepare a special program for that day. The program is entitled "The Musician and His/Her Life With God". More info is provided in this circular.

August 30, 2016


 To All Units of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference:


Christian greetings with Colossians 3:16.


We hope that this letter finds you enjoying the rich blessings of the Lord. The purpose of this circular is to promote and solicit the support of all units of the General Conference in behalf of the project “The Musician and His/Her Life With God,” to be held on Sabbath, October 1, 2016, in the SDARM churches around the world.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
September 1, 2016
Often, breast cancer is lumped together as one disease, but there are different forms of breast cancers. Do you know them? There are several ways to diagnose breast cancer, and patients should have options. Knowing of these options can empower patients to discuss and choose which is right for them. Find out about this and more in this article.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide in women, although it can also affect men. With 1.7 million women diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012, most of us know someone who has had this diagnosis. Again, early detection and treatment are important in combatting this disease. 


John Bosco
August 31, 2016
A worker's seminar and spiritual conference were held from August 8-13, 2016 in the Rwanda Union Mission.

A worker's seminar and spiritual conference were held from August 8-13, 2016 in the Rwanda Union Mission. Brother Davi P. Silva (GC President), Brother Jorai Cruz (Western U.S. Union), and Brother John Bosco (Nothern African Regional Secretary) were present to deliver the messages on: 


Building our Character for Eternity (Brother Bosco)

Tithe and Offerings, and How Rwanda can Become Self-supporting (Brother Bosco)

Our Greatest Mission in our Time (Brother Bosco)

Righteousness by Faith (Brother Cruz)

Saved by Grace (Brother Silva) and

Dario Lauri
August 21, 2016
On Sunday, July 17, 2016, the 31st Health Education Meeting organized by the Italian Field's Health Department was held at the Blu Hotel in Collegno, Italy to cover the topic of diet vs. modern diseases.



On Sunday, July 17, 2016, the 31st Health Education Meeting organized by the Italian Field's Health Department was held at the Blu Hotel in Collegno, Italy. We had the privilege of having 50 individuals with us, including church members and guests.


The speaker, Brother Luiz Costa, gave an interesting and lively presentation on the topic: "Diet vs. Modern Diseases".

