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Andre Devai
April 19, 2019
In Mozambique, 28 families either lost their homes completely or partially. Aid continues with the help of YOUR offerings!

March's First Sabbath Offerings went towards the GC Welfare Department's Disaster Relief Fund. This money is used to respond to natural disasters and the chaos in its wake. Not long after March's offering was taken up, Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe were hit with the worst tropical cyclone in recent history.


Elizabeth Beneche
April 16, 2019
United States
From April 12-14, 2019, the brethren in Massachusetts gathered together for their 5th Annual Camp Meeting.

Camp Winnekeag, Massachusetts—From April 12-14, 2019, the brethren in Massachusetts gathered together for their 5th Annual Camp Meeting. This camp meeting brought to an end a special 40 days of prayer program. Every year, for the last five years, The Midnight Cry Ministry organizes a prayer program that begins on the last week of February and lasts for 40 days, ending with 10 days of consecration and then a camp meeting.


Andre Devai
March 21, 2019
On March 15 Cyclone Idai formed in Mozambique in the Beira region, where it fired its force of devastation for more than 2 hours. Here is an update concerning our church family in its path.

“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith,” Galatians 6:10.


We greet all our dear brothers and sisters with the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Dear brothers and sisters of our churches throughout the world, We thank our Heavenly Father for the wonderful opportunity of being a people who battle the difficulties of this world that is so close to its final days. Recently, the enemy has attacked us in different ways, and the number of tragedies grows daily.


Aaron Quispe
March 21, 2019
The 5th South American Health Symposium was held in Lima, Peru, from February 25-28, 2019.

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth," 3 John 2.


By the grace of God, the 5th South American Health Symposium was held in the Kawai district, Lima, Peru, from February 25-28, 2019. Attendees and lecturers of different nationalities and specializing in different medical areas were present to share their knowledge and learn from each other.


Media Studio Brazil
March 12, 2019
The Restoration Series is a six-part video study on the differences between the Reform Movement and the main SDA church. It will begin on March 13.

Itu, Brazil—Have you ever wondered what the differences are between the Reform Movement and the main SDA? Where did the Reform Movement come from? Why? 


Maybe you already know the history but would like to better understand the differences and how to answer questions like: Why a new movement? Why not reform from within? What are the main differences? 

