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News Updates

Andre Devai
July 23, 2019
Updates on the orphanage building in Kenya, as well as the sponsorship program for the children. With monthly donations, often the price of a treat we would give ourselves, you can sponsor a child and change their lives forever!

Malacare, Kisii, Kenya—From May 19-July 10, a team of volunteers, under the direction of GC Welfare Department Director, Brother Andre Devai, traveled from South America to Kenya. Their work in Kenya was to help in and oversee the building of a new orphanage to house and school the 100 orphans that currently live there. Though the team left on July 10, three volunteers remained in Malacare to continue the building project.


John Bosco
July 15, 2019
CONGO, Democratic Republic of
On July 12-14, the brethren in North Kivu gathered for a Spiritual Conference and for the ordination of elders and ministers.

North Kivu, The Democratic Republic of the Congo—From July 12-14, the brethren in North Kivu gathered together for a Spiritual Conference. The conference came at the end of a week-long seminar for the Bible workers of the region. 


Davi P. Silva
July 15, 2019
God’s mercy and grace, these are our only hope of eternal life.

When we study the plan of redemption and the human drama that started in Eden, we can have a clear but not complete understanding of the great love of God on behalf of humanity.


Some keywords in the plan of salvation are substitution, transfer, grace, mercy, and justice.


Before the fall of Adam and Eve, God had declared: “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Genesis 2:16, 17).


Mario Alvarado
July 9, 2019
In every nation, tribe, language, people, and in the islands of the sea, God has in reserve a firmament of chosen ones that will shine in the midst of the darkness of this world. Madagascar is one of these islands of the Lord.

Madagascar—In every nation, tribe, language, people, and in the islands of the sea, God has in reserve a firmament of chosen ones that will shine in the midst of the darkness of this world. Madagascar is one of these islands of the Lord.


The Reform Movement arrived in Madagascar when a family, interested in living a reformed life, came across the SDARM website. After a brief period of online communication with the brethren, Brother John Bosco, the Regional Secretary of North Africa, arrived in Madagascar to organize the work there.


Andre Devai Jr.
July 8, 2019
For the 14th time this year, the Bolivian youth trekked through the Andean highlands to meet with our village brethren.

La Paz, Bolivia—Every year, the SDARM Bolivian Youth Department organizes a four-day hike with the youth for either December or January. The hike takes place in the Andean highlands of Bolivia, and its purpose is to visit our brethren who live in the villages of that region. The 2019 Caminata de los Yungas (2019 Yungas Hike) was the 14th held. 

