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News Updates
December 21, 2015
Papua New Guinea
Praise God! We have raised $8,487.00 for our brethren in Papau New Guinea, surpassing our initial goal of $ 6,600.00 by almost $2,000.

Praise God! We have raised $8,487.00 for our brethren in Papau New Guinea, surpassing our initial goal of $ 6,600.00 by almost $2,000. 


During our initial assessment we had hoped to raise at least enough funds for three months supply of food, but we anticipated that there would be a need for up to four months' supply. Surplus donations will go towards meeting this anticipated need. Thank you for your prayers and support. We will keep you updated with the needs of our church family in Papua New Guinea.
December 14, 2015
Papua New Guinea
The El Nino drought a​ffecting Papua New Guinea is taking its toll, and funds are needed to purchase food for our families there.

Dear Brethren,

The El Nino drought a​ffecting Papua New Guinea is taking its toll.

Our members and their children in Papua New Guinea are in great need of assistance. Members cannot access their food sources, namely their gardens, due to frost and drought. Over 10 weeks of no rain has meant that their dependence on the only water source to water their gardens has dried up. 

Funds are needed to purchase food.

Leslie Bauer
December 14, 2015
Our duty is to make sure we are devoted to Him, and then when we are prompted to do something—do it. Don’t double guess; don’t wait. Do what God directs you to do.

"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." — Isaiah 30:21


Soon after I accepted Christ as my Saviour in 1975, my wife, Kathy, and I decided to visit our friends in Minnesota. While planning the trip, we decided that we would first stop by Wisconsin to visit my family, and from there we would head on up to Minnesota.


Eduardo Moreno
December 6, 2015
United States
An object lesson from God's creation

“My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother.”

-Proverbs 1:8


In the early spring of 2007, my family, including my parents, were driving on a picturesque road called Skyline Drive.The forest was in bloom, and we enjoyed the scenic drive, stopping every once in a while to take pictures and appreciate nature. My father told me he’d like to see a bear during our trip. I told him there was a possibility we would see one, but after three hours on the road, we had seen much wildlife, but no bears.


December 3, 2015
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). This surely describes today’s society—including much of Christendom, does it not?

True Education: a Science


“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). This surely describes today’s society—including much of Christendom, does it not? Sophisticated educational institutions and online courses plentifully abound in the information age with its vast technological advancements. Knowledge is certainly increasing. Yet despite the positive developments in various realms, how rare in this generation is the jewel of vital godliness—the priceless gem of a Christlike character!

