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Mauro Báez
March 21, 2016
On March 5, 2016 our church family in Ecuador grew with the baptism of 6 souls into the family.

On March 5, 2016 our church family in Ambato, Ecuador held a baptism for 6 souls who made the choice to become a part of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement. 


The baptism was officiated by Pastor Joffre Castro, who received the assistance of brethren from seven other cities who came for the baptism. Pastor Castro also had the blessing to baptize his son. Each baptized individual received a baptismal certificate to celebrate their new birth. The baptism was followed by communion service. 


Keven Whang
March 21, 2016
United States
On January 15-17, the church in Los Angeles, California held a spiritual conference and recorded the Hallelujah Chorus.

On January 15-17th, our church in Los Angeles, California held spiritual meetings as well as evenings of sacred songs. The event was held by the Western U.S. Union, and most individuals present were from Los Angeles and Sacramento. However, many also participated who came from Georgia, Tennessee, and even Canada.


The theme of the conference was United for Christ, and the speaker was Brother Adrian Finaru. Approximately 200 people were in attendance, including the 29 in the orchestra and the 54 individuals in the choir.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
March 21, 2016
Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic that affects over 50% of Americans. Here are some reasons why Vitamin D is so important, how to know if you are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency, and ways to avoid it.

The Importance of Vitamin D

March 21, 2016
Moldova, Republic of
Approximately 100 individuals gathered together at the South Field Conference in Moldova this month.

On the weekend of March 11-14 approximately 100 individuals gathered together in our church in Moldova for a spiritual conference. Present and leading the conference were the Brethren Petru Mangul (Regional Secretary for the Eurasian Region), Beniamin Costas, and Iacob Costas.

March 14, 2016
Whatever your experience has been, remember that our seemingly insignificant daily choices define who we are in the long run.

I lived my life as if something was missing. I was not conscious of this, though, yet I did behave in a manner that demonstrated I was looking for something other than the ordinary. Maybe what I’m about to tell you will sound very familiar, or maybe you won’t relate to it at all but, whatever your experience has been, my point is that our seemingly insignificant daily choices define who we are in the long run.

