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Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
March 6, 2016
This month we are focusing on setting and completing goals that will help us reach better health. This second installment is about finding ways to sneak walking into your day. Click to read on.

For many of us, walking is a rare occurrence. Cars, buses, trains, and bicycles beckon. Walking to our destinations has become uncommon for many of us. Yet walking offers ample time to think while expanding our lungs and oxygenating our body with an increased heart rate. It also offers time to reflect on the past and present and to form plans for the future. These days, many of us rush to work in our cars, with our eyes focused on the road, our minds thinking on everything we need to accomplish. Even as we are walking, our fingers are busy texting, googling or checking the weather.  

Radu Ilie
March 6, 2016
"The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces." Proverbs 30:28

"There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise: The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer; The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks; The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands; The spider taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings' palaces." Proverbs 30:24-28


March 1, 2016
The Lord uses in His work those who love Him.

A few years ago, one of our workers from the East European Union wrote to us to share the story of a family in his region.


Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
February 28, 2016
This month we are focusing on setting and completing goals that will help us reach better health. This first installment concerns sleep habits. Click to read on.

It never seems like we have enough time in a day to accomplish everything we want. Changing one’s habits often seems time consuming and tends to be postponed. Sleeping late is a habit that many of us are accustomed to, but the sooner we take steps to adopt healthier sleeping hours the richer the blessings in store. Getting a good night’s rest is so important that from the dawn of creation God made night and day. The heavens obey, and the universe displays the sun by day and moon by night. It is only humanity, in our small cosmos, who have attempted to reverse their use.


Rômulo Borges
February 28, 2016
This past January 19-23 the 22nd National Conference was held in the Peruvian Union.

This past January 19-23 the 22nd National Conference was held in the Peruvian Union. The conference was held in Cañete, Peru. The theme of the meetings was "Come, Lord Jesus!" Pastors and Bible workers from all over the Peruvian Union were present, as well as the following General Conference representatives: Brothers Rômulo Borges, Ionita Raduco, and Mario Alvarado. During the week, the brethren discussed several prophetic and eschatological themes. 

