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October 2024 - Chapel in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA

First Sabbath Offering
Goal Amount: 
January 8, 2025


The Eastern United States Field (EUSF) is divided into eight geographical areas composed of the states of Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire. The work in Pennsylvania is currently experiencing rapid growth.


It is estimated that over 53% of the people in this state are religious—comprised of Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, Pentecostals, and others, with 28.3% Catholics. In the early colonial days, Pennsylvania had been a place of refuge for pilgrims seeking religious freedom to escape persecution in Europe. This history is still evident in the large number of traditional Amish believers who continue to dwell in large farm communities throughout the county of Lancaster, wearing plain apparel and traveling by horse and buggy.


Over the years, a few SDARM members have lived in Pennsylvania and missionary training was provided here as well. But the current revival of interest in the present truth began in 2016 in the city of Reading after two members moved here from New York. The group expanded and started meeting every Sabbath afternoon, congregating in a park during the summer and at a sister’s home in the winter. After several months of study, many were baptized into the Reform faith.


Reading has a population of over 95,000 and is a manufacturing center for electronic components, medical devices, energy-storage technology and more. Our church here is now the largest within the Eastern U.S. Field. More new souls are being prepared to join God’s people. At present, we worship in a rented facility and would like to establish our presence and expand for greater outreach. “Wherever a company of believers is raised up, a house of worship should be built. . . . In many places where the message has been preached and souls have accepted it, they are in limited circumstances, and can do but little toward securing advantages that would give character to the work. Often this renders it difficult to extend the work.”—Evangelism, p. 376.


As such, we are appealing to our brethren and sympathizers from all over the world to help us develop a house of worship in the Reading area, that more souls can be brought into the fold. Your kind generosity will be greatly appreciated, and the Lord will bless you in turn.


Your brethren from the Eastern United States Field