General Conference Educational Center

First Sabbath Offering to be gathered on February 7, 2015, on behalf of the General Conference Educational Center to be built at the General Conference headquarters.


Dear Brethren of the General Conference units around the world,

“Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts. O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth”  (Psalm 96:8, 9).

The First Sabbath Offering to be gathered on February 7, 2015, is on behalf of the General Conference Educational Center to be built in Roanoke, Virginia, USA.  The plan is to build a chapel to accommodate larger meetings and the educational facilities for the  presentation of training seminars, a missionary school for higher education, and continuing education for leaders, as well as a simple wellness facility to bring physical and spiritual health and comfort to the infirm, that many souls may be blessed and the name of the Lord be glorified.

Therefore, through this brief notice, we would like to remind all Sabbath School members: please read the message on page 30 of the Sabbath Bible Lessons regarding the offering that is to be collected on February 7, 2015.  Your liberal donations will go a long way to making this project a reality.

May the Lord richly bless all of you according to His marvelous grace.

You brother in Christ,

Eli Tenorio, GC Secretary
