July-September, 2016
Religious Atheists
If we really believe the message that we profess, it’s time to act on that belief by reflecting it our daily lives. God deserves better and is willing to equip us to honor Him.
The Light of the World
The Author of light refers to Himself as the Light of the world and we can learn some interesting things about this amazing phenomenon He has created.
Thoughts for the Young
A change in heart, a change in attitude, reverence for spiritual things—all these come as a result of real surrender to the God who really loves us.
The Hummingbird’s Umbrella
The creatures under God’s tender care can show us amazing insight on the wisdom He bestows, even upon the tiniest birds in their frailty.
Lessons from the Life of a Spider
Scripture extols the marvel of a spider and the various lessons we can learn from this little eight-legged wonder.
Stranded in the Middle of a Burning Oil Field
Yes, miracles still happen these days. The God of heaven keeps His promise to protect His children in unforeseen dangers.
It Sometimes Pays to miss the Boat
Sometimes we don’t always understand the reason that things work out the way they do, but looking back we often find out why!
Missionary Work in RomaniaPart Part 3 of 4
Impossible missions can be successful if the One who is not afraid of the impossible is leading.
Cherishing the Rays
Cherishing the rays of the sunshine of Heavenly hope can give us a whole new perspective in life.
When He Cometh
Jesus is coming again in all His glory and every eye shall see Him appear. Let’s be ready!