Humanitarian Mission – Cachoeira, Brazil

On March 19, a humanitarian mission was held at the Isaac Newton School in Cachoeira, Paraná.


In 2020, a couple of young women in Southern Brazil began a project with the aim of connecting church girls and their friends from school, college, and work to learn more about God digitally, after all, it was the beginning of a pandemic. Their project was called “Garotas Virtuosas” or Virtuous Girls. They formed a book club to read Spirit of Prophecy books together, an English club to learn the language, organized a Week of Prayer for girls, held “secret prayer friends”, in-person meetings, and published digital content to encourage a personal relationship with God, mental and physical well-being, and more.

Over the years, the project extended beyond digital communities. On March 19, 2023, at the Isaac Newton School in Cachoeira, Paraná, the Virtuous Girls project carried out another activity for the glory of God. In partnership with the Brazilian Unions’ Welfare Department (O Bom Samaritano) and the Ebenézer Theological Seminary, they organized a humanitarian mission with the purpose of bringing more people closer to Jesus. The services offered were diverse: dental appointments, naturopathic consultations, massage therapy, skincare, psychological consults, haircuts, clothing distribution, children’s activities, and family counselling. In total, 351 consultations and appointments were performed. 

A note from Virtuous Girls’ leader, Rayana Nakamura:

“We praise God for the opportunity to organize outreaches to our local community. We’re also grateful for the many women and girls involved who dedicated their time and talents without measure. We encourage women around the world to reach out to their local sisters to create projects, organize missions and outreaches, and study groups. It has been a blessing in our lives, and we’re sure it would be a blessing in yours too.”

