Reorganization of the Colombian Union


Barbosa, Colombia—From November 3-6, 2020, the reorganization session of the Colombian Union was held at the Eben-Ezer Camp in Barbosa, where the headquarters of the Colombian Union are located.

This was the XIV Reorganizational Assembly, and it was themed “Victorious in Christ”. The brethren were united in one mission and goal.

Brother Daniel Guzmán, GC Regional Secretary for Central America and the Caribbean, directed the session.
The following officers were elected for the 2020-2023 triennium: 
President: Brother Nasareno Turushina (Pastor)
Vice President: Brother Aníbal Peláez (Pastor)
Secretary: Brother Samuel Hurtado (Public Accountant by Profession)
Treasurer: Brother Elías Rivera (Public Accountant by Profession)
Committee Member: Brother Duver Martínez (Pastor)
Encouraging reports were delivered by each department. The remaining officers and department leaders were then elected. More information can be found on the Colombian Union Facebook page.
We ask our brethren and sisters to keep us in their prayers that with the help of God, each plan may be blessed by the Lord and thousands of souls may be won, for the kingdom of God.
