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Missionary Work in the Kenya Mission

December's First Sabbath Offering will go towards literature for Africa. In this report, Brother Daniel shares about Maasai Bibles being distributed in Kenya.


We thank God that His last message of mercy continues to spread in Kenya and the present truth is spreading to souls who have not heard it before. After my first missionary trip to Maasai land in September 2020, a great interest was awakened and there was a need to go back again to continue the work.

On November 18-29, I returned, this time with Brother Edward Odemo, just as Jesus sent His disciples two by two. We also carried Bibles in the Maasai language. The Maasai Bibles were donated by a brother from Australia for the Maasai community.

We began a series of studies on November 19, inviting souls to the studies in the morning and conducting the studies in the afternoon. On Sabbath, November 21, we distributed the Maasai Bibles to them. The study continued for the second week in different locations with youth, mothers, fathers, and children, each group coming at the time that their work allowed, since the Maasai community is a pastoral community whose source of living depends on livestock.

We ended our studies on Sabbath, November 28, and left Sunday morning. They demanded that we remain for another week, so we agreed to return with Brother Edward Odemo in mid- December for another two weeks of study. God has opened a rich field here for the Bible truth to be taught to His children to prepare them for Christ’s soon return.

We thank the brethren from Australia for their donation of the Maasai Bibles, and thank you all for your prayers. Please continue supporting this noble cause.

May God bless you,

Daniel Ojuok

If you would like to help provide literature for countries in Africa, please consider contributing to December’s First Sabbath Offering via your local church or through PayPal below.

