London Project 2013

Missionary outreach to a world capital


On the weekend of July 27-28, 2013, the London Project began its health public outreach weekend. Six health related seminars were conducted in the area of north London in an endeavor to educate the public in health matters as well as generate new contacts for the mission. The 28 young canvassers and colporteurs had spent the previous weeks in distributing around 70,000 flyers advertising the health program. The program commenced on Friday evening at a community hall hired specifically for the event. Br. Alasdair Pow presented the dangers and causes of heart disease along with demonstrating the benefits of adopting a healthy vegetarian lifestyle in reducing the risk of acquiring heart disease. Around 50 people were in attendance from the public and were all very eager to learn about the vegetarian way of living.

On Sabbath morning, Br. Peter Lausevic presented vegetarianism from a biblical perspective. Using the Bible alone, he presented how God’s original plan for humanity was a healthful diet and lifestyle. He explained from Scripture about how sin has eroded away that plan during the history of God’s people. Again around 50 people came from the public from all walks of life and differing faiths to hear the Bible message. It was very encouraging to see such an interest in what the Bible had to say about being a vegetarian. After this meeting, all were invited to stay and enjoy a vegetarian buffet meal that had been provided by the local sisters. The sisters as usual did a great work in providing an array of healthy vegetarian food for the visitors to sample. Everyone enjoyed the food very much, with many commenting positively on the variety of foods provided and some requesting cooking demonstrations on how to make such dishes.

Br. Alasdair Pow continued to present two lectures in the afternoon on the dangers of obesity and diabetes and how adopting a healthy vegetarian lifestyle can reduce the risk of contracting both conditions. In the beginning of each presentation the young missionaries offered some special musical items that were very much appreciated by all.

On Sunday evening, Br. Pow presented the final two lectures of the health seminar. The first presentation was directed at raising healthy children through following the eight laws of health and the concluding seminar was directed at revealing the super foods available in preventing cancer. Again, these presentations were well attended with some of the people coming for the whole weekend; those who attended were thoroughly appreciative of the information offered.

After the presentations, the young missionaries conducted a book review of some of the books they had been selling during their canvassing time and discussing why certain books were their favorites. This testimony time was very well received by the public and it was good to see an interest in spiritual health as well as physical health. The health seminar was mixed with science, the Bible, prayers and spiritual items, and the combination had an attractive effect upon the visitors. Many of the young missionaries were engaged in spiritual discussions with the visitors as they mingled with the people attending the meetings. Many visitors who had individual health concerns asked questions and desired to access more information concerning a healthy vegetarian lifestyle.

The young people, under the direction of Br. Peter Lausevic and Br. Rolly Dumaguit, continued their canvassing and colporteuring work the very next morning in preparation for the next part of their mission, a Bible prophecy seminar. It is our prayer that the Lord may water the many seeds that were planted in the great city of London!
